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•   Barrie Cox  12/10
•   Roger Green  11/10
•   Ralph Tyrrell  8/12
•   Fred Broom  3/6
•   Peter Hollard  2/6
•   Robert Pike-Daniel  27/2
•   Nrs Joan Pressley (Pressley)  26/2
•   Michael Cramer  9/9
•   Clive Cornell  14/6
•   David Calder  3/6
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•   Nigel Hosking  23/10
•   Mervyn Simchowitz  2/11
•   Garth Annetts (Class Of 66)  11/11
•   Hilton Kidger  11/11
•   Bob Smith  11/11
•   Ian Vowles  11/11
•   Roger Green  17/11


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Class of ’65 home page, it’s your window into DHS in 1965. Its aim is to act as a focal point, for connecting class mates and recalling our days at School.  We hope it will help put us in touch with missing members of our cohort, keep everyone involved in the planning and putting together of a bumper reunion in 2015 and help re-kindle old friendships.

The site does not have a staff of reporters and editors; it is entirely dependent on your involvement and contributions, so please use it. Contribute class photos, sporting photos, anecdotes about teachers or class mates. Add your memories of Durban in the sixties, hook up with your long lost buddies, air your views and keep looking for the guys in the Missing members group.

Finding your way around the site is pretty simple; along the bar at the top of the page are 5 links:-

Contact us, Classmate profiles, In memory, Missing classmates, First time visitor.

We suggest you start by clicking on ‘First time visitor’; this will get you started.

Down the left hand side of the page there are additional links:-

Home page, Message forum, Tuck shop chat, Down Memory lane, Photo Gallery and 1965 History and Videos.

The message forum is an ongoing dialogue between classmates. There are no items, topics, subtopics, etc.  Forums work when people participate - so don't be bashful! Click the "Post Response" button to add your entry to the forum.

Tuck Shop Chat is a place to add (or read ) more permanent stories or anecdotes about things that happened to us at school, teachers, sporting incidents, your views on issues of the day – like the wearing of uniform, bashers, the war cry, Wrinkles etc.. Please add your stories or comment on existing topics.

Down Memory Lane is a repository for stories or images of our time at school and the sixties in Durban.

Photo Gallery has a number of drop down features in which different categories of photos are displayed. You’re encouraged to add your photos to the gallery.

Below these links are the Member functions which help you manage your own interface with the site.

NB. The picture of the old school, featured in the top left corner of the home page was painted by Andrew Ogilvie in 1964. For many years it hung in Izak Van Heerden's office and later in the headmaster's office. Our thanks to Andrew and the school for allowing us to use this fine memory of the those days.
