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In Memory

Gordon Smith

Gladys Botha has advised me today (23/3/24) that Gordon Smith passed away from a brain tumour in October 2023. May he rest in peace

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25/03/24 03:08 PM #1    

John Scotcher

Very sad news. Gordon worked with me at the Natal Parks Board as a ranger and senior ranger in various posts. Wherever he was posted, he ran a very tight ship with discipline and fairness.  He was a highly respected man who was known for being outspoken and standing up for his peers in the face of any disrepect shown to his fellow rangers. Some would say he had a fiery temprement but it was always controlled and polite but never servile - just as he was at school!! I recall he was an excellent hockey player and was awarded his half colours. My sincere condolences to his family.  

26/03/24 12:51 PM #2    

Geoff Caruth

Sorry to hear John. The last time I saw him was in fact at Mkuze, many years ago. RIP Gordon

27/03/24 01:47 PM #3    

Don Atkinson (Class Of 1967)

YES I think we are getting very confused. There are two GORDON Smith`s, our DHS Gordon was in the saps FINGER PRINT DIV, the moved to bank fraud division

28/03/24 01:50 PM #4    

Geoff Caruth

Hi Don. Yes there were two Gordon Smiths at DHS and in the same Standard. The tall Gordon died in the UK fairly recently-he was the Investigator. The other Gordon was with the old Natal Parks Board for many years-John could give a more detailed account of his career. I saw him last about 30 years ago when visiting Mkuze. He was in my class in either Standard 8 or 9- 1964 or 65.



28/03/24 07:02 PM #5    

Larry Butchins

I remember Gordon as a big, quiet smiling guy, with a topping of rusty blond hair. He was always quiet and well-meaning. Condolences to his family and friends


Larry Butchins.

31/03/24 05:00 PM #6    

John Scotcher

I have established that Gordon Smith from the old Natal Parks Board is alive and well. Aplogies for the mistaken identity. 

02/04/24 03:33 AM #7    

Cedric Parker

Thanks for this info, John. This means that the Gordon Smith who died must be the one who Geoff Caruth reported had died in the UK recently. Geoff - can I ask how you heard of the UK Gordon Smith's death - and do you know what he died of - and any of his family details? Gladys Botha, whose email address Gordon had been using for years, contacted me primarily to ask us to unsubscribe her from our Class list - and she only revealed that he had died when I asked her why.

02/04/24 06:44 AM #8    

Geoff Caruth

Hi Cedric. I think the confusion has arisen because the death of our friend in the UK was reported last year and most of us were aware of it so the recent announcement led us to believe it was the other Gordon ex NPB! I am glad to hear he is alive and well and would love to hear from him. The UK based Gordon died after a long illness-that is all I know but will try to find out more.



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