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In Memory

Pat Taylor

Denzil Andrews: 

Pat played first team rugby with us and was a firey red head. Phil is spot on with his info - Phil was he not shot down over Rhodesia/Zimbabwe in a commercial airline by the terrs?

He had a brother John(?) who was older than Pat - I well remember John returning on an army pass to find Pat had sold his casual gear to provide him with smokes. Pat was a lovable lad, sorely missed.

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21/10/14 05:11 PM #1    

Cedric Parker

Comment from Phil Harvey:

As far as I know Pat was a journalist with the Sunday Times when he died in his late 20’s.

If you remember Pat had red hair and was a 1st team lock.

08/01/15 10:06 AM #2    

Cedric Parker

Comment from Ann Peacock (Pat's sister):

He was my brother. I saw the erroneous info on the post. I'd like to correct it. He was a journalist in Johannesburg and was killed in a car accident in 1988. It was an awful tragedy as he had a young family of five children. My older brother John Taylor who also went to DHS, is a GP in Addo.


08/01/15 02:43 PM #3    

Lionel Cason (Class Of 1967)

I remember Pat Taylor , Basil Palmer  , Des De Swart in January all on a train off to the Air Force Gymnasium.That was in 1968.

He was a natural entreprenuer, as he and Basil Palmer would waite at the fence  for the new intakes that had AWOL'd , and catch them as they climbed over, and impersonating a officer would sollicit admission of guilt fines , or face 6 months in DB or a hanging whatever was their fancy on the night.

Then we got posted and I never saw him again

09/01/15 05:18 PM #4    

Ann Taylor (Peacock (Sister Of Pat Taylor))

That sounds about typical of Patrick. He had a great sense of humour and this incident you describe would have been a huge joke. Do you know what happened to Bas Palmer because I remember he was a good friend of Patrick's.

10/01/15 05:07 PM #5    

Lionel Cason (Class Of 1967)

Basil is in Johannesburg and worked in Finance/Nedbank I think, also Insurance .I have seen him at reunions etc and can get his details should you want them.

Basil and I went from class 1 to Matric together  , but havent seen him in about 5 years .

10/01/15 05:09 PM #6    

Murray Clark

I also remember Pat well and sad he moved on so early.

I see Basil Palmer from time to time, he is also a member at Country Club Johannesburg. I have his mobile number if anyone would like it. I must talk to him about getting onto this site. I also bump into Hilton Davidson from time to time but I think he was a year later.

11/01/15 06:59 PM #7    

Denzil Andrews

Hi Lionel, Murray
Thanks for your updates - I can just imagine Pat pulling the piss out of the new rookies!!
Murray I would appreciate Basil's updated details and anyone else you might bump into - had him as palmerb@sha.co.za Yep Hilton or more commonly know as "Nod" was a year behind and I believe is now an SA Airways pilot

Festive season greetings to all

12/01/15 03:31 PM #8    

Lionel Cason (Class Of 1967)

A certain master  who will remain anonymous as he later became the Head , used to refer to the Band as the Hitler Youth!!!

12/01/15 05:09 PM #9    

Murray Clark

Denzil, good to hear from you and Happy New Year to you. I only have Basil's mobile number which is 083 326 7880. I think he has retired as he sems to play golf most Tuesday mornings!!

Hilton Davidson has just retired from SAA. Interestingly, about two years ago I boarded a flight in New York and while I was fiddling around getting myself settled I heard this booming voice saying "I will not have hooligans on my Plane, get off!!!!" It was Hilton, who then burst into a big grin and warmly shook my hand. Needless to say there was a huge sigh of relief from the whole Business Class cabin when they realised there was not going to be an "incident!"

His mobile number is 082 555 7721 

13/01/15 03:29 PM #10    

Lionel Cason (Class Of 1967)

Murray , same thing happened to Boots Coutts in SAAF. Helicopter came to pick them up and Hilton was the pilot!!

Bootsie jokingly refused to get into the chopper with :  "that "' pilot!!

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