Missing Classmates

Please help locate our missing classmates!  If you are in contact with any of the individuals listed below, please either direct them to our website or click on their name and enter their email address.  An invitation to join our class website will then be sent.  

Please note, the missing classmates page lists anyone who has not yet created a profile on our website even if we have address information.

IMPORTANT: Please make corrections to your address as needed, but DO NOT delete or leave these fields blank!  Doing so will pop your name onto the "Missing Classmates" page, even if you are registered!  We need your addresses for reunion mailings.  If you prefer that your address information be kept private, leave the "Allow classmates to view my address and phone number" box unchecked on your profile.  When left unchecked, this information will not show up on your profile page.  Only site administrators will be able to access it when needed for reunion mailings. 

Christian Anderson
John Anibas
Barbara Backstrom
Amy Barkdoll
Scott Beckfield
Bill Bengtson
Ryan Bergh
Steve Bergstad
Todd Bradison
Jason Brotzman
Joel Crandall
Robert Decker
John Demasseo
Andrea DesForge (Boe)
Jennifer Dregney (Myren)
Melissa Ebert
Eric Everson
Andy Falk
Angela Foster
Matthew Gingrich
Craig Greenwold
Tracy Gullo (Lewis)
Allyn Gunderson
Thomas Hanson
Trevor Hanson
Scott Hartman
Mike Hillestad
Brian Hink
John Hoch
Jamie Hovey
Lacey Howard
Steve Jacobson
Brian Jarvis
Craig Johnson
Jeremy Johnson
Marc Johnson
Dawn Judkins
Lauren Kelly
Bryan Kenney
Donna Kolve (Germann)
Steve Kopp
Jina Kruger (Brantner)
Nicole Kurth
Lew Lambrecht
Robert Lein
Tony Lightfoot
Douglas Mashek
Mike McCandless
Dave McCarty
Erica Moreaux
Angie Mulheron
Kim O'Brien
Jennifer Olson
Pamela Olson (Iverson)
Robert Ottinger
Mark Paulson
Heidi Pederson
David Pederson Jr
LoriKay Peelman (Melgaard)
Joe Pieper
Christopher Piper
Chris Pladziewicz
Jason Pratt
Kathy Proud
Kelly Proud
Dan Raith
Tim Raleigh
Laura Rapp
Christian Reiter
Jason Rienike
Lex Sackett
Juan Sarda Orgando
Brian Saric
Jon Schaefer
Amy Schuh-Woodford
Tony Schultz
Dana Smith (Sinz)
Mackenzie Stetzer
Heather Strayer
Derrick Sutton
Greg Thorson
Kim Tiefenthaler
Jason Tweet
John Vang
Ly Vang
Chad Voss
Annette Wagner (McClelland)
Steve Wallace
Debra Webb
Dan Weiss
Staci Williams
Carmell Wilson
Fred Wincapaw
Melanie Wysocky (Johannsen)
Bee Xiong
Chai Her Xiong
Chao Xiong
Xang Xa Xiong
