Grammar Schl Gallery
Edgewater Christmas Concert 1951
Thanks to Rich Crance for this early Edgewater photo which apparently includes more than one class for their annual Christmas concert. Since Edgewater isn't that well represented in the grammar school photos, we've split this picture to allow a closer view of the cute young faces of Richard Crance, Arlene Sheehan, Hilde Schmidhamer....and, in photo #2, Charlie Knapp, Gail Opoulos, Jon Lawson, the Allisons, Ken AND Susan...and more that we haven't been able to pick out yet. Let us know if you recognize any others.
5th Grade, Ridgefield School # 1
1st Row: Leslie Sommers, Greg Weiss - 2nd Row: Jerry Sokolik, Evy Dietz, Bill Arp, Dottie Nelson - 3rd Row: Judy Antola, Jimmy Wong, Suzanne Revis, Al Stehle, Bruce Dawson, Joe Pollio, 4th Row: Ed Puletz, Rosalind Rovner, Russell Barakat, Carl Nowak, Violet Carr, Pat Mazzola, Madeleine Knapp, 5th Row: Al Fischer, Stew Perry, Barb Lowell, Larry Horbelt, Mary-Louise Knapp, Judy Conkling, Marty Rusterholz, Standing: Helen Forster, Linda Loibl
4th Grade, Roosevelt School
Roosevelt School 4th Grade Class Photo, thanks to Ann Fiur Fleischer
? Grade Franklin School
This is probably the 5th or 6th grade in Franklin School. In the back row are 2 classmates, Anne Buchler on the left and Roberta Ivery on the right. I don't recognize the girl in the middle in the bottom row. The other 2 girls in the picture went on to Dwight School for Girls, the name at the time. ~ J.T.G.
3rd Grade, Ridgefield School # 3
2nd Grade, Ridgefield School # 2
Can you find:
Stu Lestch, Ray Albers, Barb Rahner, Carol Meyer, Doris Freuhling (?), Audrey Raab? Then there are those who didn't finish DMHS with us: Sandy Zeug, Richie Filippi, Danny Holley....and....(help me out here). No special order. Fill in the blanks.
2nd Grade, Ridgefield School # 3
Boys l. to r. back row: Ed Puletz, Greg Weiss, Norman Sipple, Steve Kochis, Al Stehle, Marty Rusterholz, Dennis Rome, ____?, Carl Nowak, _____? ________? Al Fisher, John Nicolosi, ______?
Front Row: Connie Merlino, Pat Mazzola, Stephanie Groupi, Mary-Louise Knapp, Pat Grenz, Madeleine Knapp, Dottie Nelson, _____(?), and the 2 boys at the end (Ed Lang?) and David Sheehan.
Welcome to the first grade, Ridgefield NJ School #2, where the girls outnumbered the boys almost 2/1. What a way to start out! Where are all the boys? We'll have to get some more of these early pictures and see if Ridgefield #2 is unique...or if this was a trend.
This is our first in a series of early class pictures submitted by Barbara Rahner Reece. How many of these adorable tykes traveled right on up through DMHS with us? I can count 5, including Barbara, but there may be more. See yourself, or anyone you recognize? Let us know. It would be nice to be able to put names on these cute little faces.
If you have your 1st grade class pix - or any other - send it in. The call is out for more early class photos, so keep checking back to this page for new photos. Meanwhile, you Oradell, Englewood, Edgewater classmates, start searching if you want equal representation!
Ridgefield School #3 1st grade submitted by Tod Puletz (where the boys are):