Missing Classmates

Dear Classmates:

We are missing either an email address, a street address or both for the classmates listed below. If you have any information would you please forward it to me. In addition,  if you know an email address you can click on the name, enter it and send off an invitation (like the one sent to you) to sign up on the site. Thanks so for your help with this!

Nancy Biedenweig (McCloy)
Marcia Blackwell
Judee Garcia
Christine Haug (Potter)
Elizabeth Keiley
Ann Koezly
Margaret Kunkel (Shallberg)
Maria Labbro
Joan Leister (Jager)
Jeanette Miller
Lucy Lee Mullinix
Mary Northrup
Sandy Ray (Scott)
Loretta Reuwer
Judith Sullivan (Funk)
Susan Vossler
Judith Wester