David Lee

Profile Updated: September 27, 2009
Class Year: 1970
Residing In: Houston, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Rita
Homepage: drleecrimdefensetx@aol.com
Occupation: Attorney
Children: Nope. You can thank the makers of diethylstilbestrol, an anti-miscarriage drug marketed before the More…days of strict testing. It's mutagenic (does chromosonal damage), and can have very deleterious effects on the children's ability to reproduce. Two of the four children my mother bore one boy, one girl, are unable to have children. The plumbing works, but the product is barren. Either that or I am just plain a mutant!!! (a new species unable to procreate with the progenitors). Yeah, that's probably it.
Military Service: USN  
Yes! Attending Reunion

Still a lawyer. Had my own firm since 01 JUN 06. I don't (drag) race anymore; no time, no dinero. Busier than a one legged man in a butt kickin contest! 36 hour days, anyone?

Most of you will NEVER need my services! Thank God. My "truly criminal" cases all involve people looking at jail terms of varying length, and who have various underlying emotional and mental problems, compounded by being young.

I still do a lot of traffic work (here in Texas traffic "tickets" are accusations of criminal wrong doing) though. So, IF you visit the S.E. Texas area (why?!!?) and IF while here you get knocked over by the revnooers . . . I mean police of whatever stripe, then give us a holler! I'll take care of your tickets for FREE!!!, and be happy to do it.
Oh btw: Come on (economic) RECOVERY!

How 'bout those Coogs! (University of Houston)
29-28 early this morning over Tech. Great game.
some real HITTIN going on!

I've been married to lovely Rita since Feb, 1996, so some of you have met her. The rest of you are missing out. She's a honey-baby.

We have two gatos. One Nitro (did I mention racing?) is a neutered male. His nickname is Dev-Dev, for reasons that would be all too obvious if you dealt with him very much (he pretends to be good, but he's really BAD!). We got him at the SPCA. He's 8. A piece of work!
Two is Angelle (sampay - did I mention, etc.) A little Russian Blue rescue from the wild then surrounding a rural Courthouse (all clear cut [of course] and "developed" now, though. She will always be wild and skittish. Softest "chromed" looking fur you've ever seen or felt. She was dingy, scrawny, starving and had a respiratory infection when I captured her, but she's
a beauty girl now! She kicks Dev-Dev's butt when they play, usually (she has front claws, he doesn't), but when he switches from play-mode to bein' po'd he just plows right through her (he's almost exactly twice her size and weight) and we have to separate them before real damage gets done. So far, so good.

More later. I have been deliberatly non-controversial (no, really!) this time. I am a firebrand crusader against misuse of the police and bias in the judiciary most of the time, but that is a story for another day!

School Story:

Yeah, I deeid. (bout sums it up, right).

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David Lee has a birthday today.
Nov 02, 2023 at 1:33 AM
David Lee has a birthday today.
Nov 02, 2022 at 1:33 AM
David Lee has a birthday today.
Nov 02, 2021 at 1:33 AM
David Lee has a birthday today.
Nov 02, 2020 at 1:33 AM
David Lee has a birthday today.
Nov 02, 2019 at 1:33 AM
David Lee has a birthday today.
Nov 02, 2018 at 1:33 AM
Aug 06, 2018 at 2:39 PM

hope to see you and rita at class reunion fri.&sat. 2018 .We are friends for life!!! this could be our last time to see each other?

David Lee has a birthday today.
Nov 02, 2017 at 1:33 AM
David Lee has a birthday today.
Nov 02, 2016 at 1:33 AM
David Lee has a birthday today.
Nov 02, 2015 at 1:33 AM
Nov 05, 2014 at 1:50 PM

Hello David, Happy Belated Birthday. Mine is on Sunday 11.9.2014
you old Fart! I just became a grandpa a week ago. Annie and I just celebrated our 10th. Yes I ended up marrying Frank Lowe little sister. He was in our same class of 1970. Missed you at the reunion. We has a smaller turn out. Seems that at our age. Either we are having health issues, or or spouse's or parents. The economy has affect many of us. Our generation has taken a triple hit. We lost equity in our home, our IRA got trashed. and no business or less income. ( just no money!) My wife feels I'm Jerry McGuire all the time. "Show me the money honey!" Miss you. Our committee is planning our big bash in 2018. Its the 50th year for class of 1968. We planning a day event. Us old fart gotta go to bed early. We talking about a big barbaque and ho down @ Pippo Ranch. I'll keep you posted. In the mean time here my email and contact information. Daniel Lum 707 580-0014 Email: danielflum@yahoo.com or daniel.lum@kappelgateway.com
PS. Still a realtor and not retired yet! But a new grandpa!!!

Guy Rimestad posted a message on David Lee's Profile. New comment added.
Nov 11, 2014 at 7:14 PM

Posted on: Nov 04, 2014 at 8:49 AM

Happy birthday my old friend. However you are younger than I am? We are both getting old, but I guess we could say we are Oldies but goodies. Elizabeth and I missed you and Rita at the casual reunion. The class of 68 will have their 50th reunion in 2018. I hope by miracle of God you and Rita can attend. That would be awesome!!!
