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•   James (Doug) House  9/17
•   Corbin Cory Shy  7/21
•   Cindy Ericson (McWhirter)  7/17
•   John Jensen  7/17
•   Jim Nelson  6/12
•   Lynnette Williams (Hostetter)  6/10
•   Angela Angie Spletter (Sheetz)  12/21
•   Apryl Spencer (Spencer)  12/20
•   Tina Bailey (Andrew)  7/5
•   Mindy Bryan (Finders)  1/21
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•   Andrew Andy Small  2023
•   Jim (Jimmy) Nelson  2017
•   Mark Christner  2014



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4 live in Arizona
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8 live in Colorado
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102 live in Iowa
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28 location unknown


•   Kelly Nicholson  9/22
•   Jeff Collier  9/24
•   Lynnette Williams (Hostetter)  9/24
•   Corbin Cory Shy  9/25
•   Melinda Green (Hugdahl)  9/27
•   Tina Emerson (Devery)  10/2
•   Kent Metcalf  10/8
•   Bob Schenk/Espy  10/8
•   David Dave Gaumer  10/9
•   Charles Chuck Yeoman  10/12
•   Tricia Van Fleet (Dyer)  10/15

Welcome to the Fairfield High School Class Of 1988 web site!  

Save the date!!

September 15th - 16th


35th Reunion Events

I hope you all are having an awesome summer! 

The 35th Class of 88 Reunion is only 3 weeks away!  WHAT!?

I look forward to seeing all of your faces.  This reunion we are revisiting some old traditions, football games, bonfires, Torino’s pizza, and friends that are like extended family.  Make your plans, invite long -lost classmates to join, let’s make some more memories.

Sept 15th & 16th

Friday Sept 15th – 5:30 Happy hour meetup at The Cider House, FISHBACK & STEPHENSON CIDER HOUSE ( 1949 Pleasant Plain Road.  Then head for dinner downtown or join for the homecoming football game against Keokuk.  Tommy Brower is Fairfield's awesome announcer and will give a shout out to the class of 88!   After the game we plan to meet up at Mad Hatter’s, formerly Stonewall’s but completely remodeled.  Pool Tables | Mad Hatter Billiards | Fairfield

Saturday Sept 16th

Kiwanis Kids Day Parade & Pancake Days Downtown - Parade at 10

A tree will be planted Saturday morning in Chataqua Park in memory of Bill Brooks - contact Tommy Brower

12 Noon - Golf @ Walton Club - RVSP Jim Nelson @ 913.908.5277  

11:30 Hike on the Loop Trail - Meet at the Lamson Woods Parking area (hike from Lamson to Walton and back - about 3 miles).  Stop for a beverage at Walton.  Fairfield Loop Trail details, Fairfield IA (

2 PM Tour of the High School - The class of 1983 is having their reunion the same weekend and have set up a tour, we are welcome to join.  Meet at the main entrance of the high school.

6 PM Party at Kim (Reed) and Steve Winslow’s Shop/Shed/Awesome place at 1936 216th Street, Fairfeld. 

Kim and Steve have a full set up with bar, games, music, karaoke, shuffleboard, grills and bonfire!  Seriously it is an awesome place to hang out, tell old stories and create new ones.  We will have some food and refreshments and extra coolers of ice for folks to contribute. 

Please RSVP and encourage others to join.  Folks from other classes are welcome as well… as long as they aren’t assholes😊.  See you soon!


Class of 1988 30th reunion will be held July 27-29th 2018
Hi All,
Save the date.... 
An early heads up for folks who have to ask for days off work or plan for summer vacations.  The 30th Fairfield Class of 88 reunion will be held the weekend of July 27-29 2018. 
Please pass the message on to those who may not get it, or send them the Fairfield Class of 88 facebook page
Much love to you all!

Until we see each other again, please make sure to update your information as it changes.  This is a great place to keep everyone updated on life changes and what's happening.  

If anyone would like to include a class announcement, or an invite to events for ALL please post it.  Keep your email updated!

You can also find us on facebook at

Wishing you all well! 
