George Frey

Profile Updated: October 6, 2014
Residing In: Anchorage, AK USA
Spouse/Partner: Carol Frey
Children: 1 Daughter -- Sandra L Delaney, born 1970, Columbia, S.C.
Sandra is an Account Executive with Google. More… 2 children
Married to Roger Delaney -- General Contractor -Marietta, Ga.
Occupation: Retired -- Electrical contractor
Yes! Attending Reunion

I went to Massachusetts a few years ago to my wife's reunion. People changed so much she had to look at name tags to identify some of them. I'm sure that would not happen to our group. If any of the class wants to contact me, please use the information above to do so.

School Story:

I recall a few friends and I at recess, found a utility pole on the back of the school that was loose. By pulling on the guy wire, we could get the pole to shake. All of a sudden, the high voltage wires came about 12 inches from each other and there was a great big flash between them (like lightning). A teacher looked out the window and saw the janitor and thought he did it. I lived about 1/2 mile from the school and the power went out at that time. I haven't confessed untill now.

I recall that shop class was fun --- riding gokarts and turning up the welding machine to 100% and filling the classroom with alot of smoke a few minutes before class.

Another shop class prank. There was a spark plug cleaning machine with a high voltage wire for testing. By attaching the wire to a car being repaired, someone could get a 20,000 volt shock when they touched it.

Another prank --- someone parked his car near the band room (house). While he was getting his horn, a few of us raised the hood and swapped spark plug wires. The engine made terrible noises and backfired alot.

Dr. Randall had to go to a meeting and anounced that he would be absent the next day. He also mentioned thet we should have a wrestler take his place. Mrs. Hatchette was teaching the next day and some boy asked if she was the wrestler that Dr. sent to us.
"I can hold my own" was the reply.

I recall Mr. Mizell wore bright neckties and pulled his trousers quite high. Some of the boys started doing the same --- then some more rules from the principal.

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George Frey updated profile. View.
Oct 06, 2014 at 12:57 PM
