

FSHS Policy
Fairmont Senior High School

Loop Park
Fairmont, WV  26554

(304 )367-2150  (304) 366-5988 Fax


Visit edline pages for the latest policy changes.

West Virginia Exemplary School

West Virginia School of Excellence

Benedum Professional Development School

A SREB High School that Works
Fairmont Senior High School

Administration and Staff
Principal Karen Finamore
Assistant Principal Jim Green
Assistant Principal Jamal Womble








Erin Adams

Terry Ash

Michelle Bright

J L Abbott

Greg DeVito

Mary Adams

Jeanina Butcher-Ice

Ann Burns

Nick Bartic

John Schneider

Rebecca DeWitt

Lauren Dearman

Kathy Jacquez

Mark Delligatti

Jenny Staud

Brian Elliott

Kerianne Mick

Leann Sayre

David Ricer


Adrin Fisher

Hannah Morris

Ken Scherich

Justin Shaw


Toni Poling

Sarah Snyder

Brook Stark

James Storms


Amanda Walker

Hope Wright

David Tennant















Robert Costelac

Danielle Bonneville

Megan Brown

Marisela Garcia

Candace Byerley

Nathy Janes

Leah Earle


Natalie Summers

Jessica Freeman

Jason Morris

Samantha Harkin

Barbara Haught



David Retton

Josh Leep

Deanna Kiser




Chelsey Stucin





Wendy Tierney

  Kyndra Tingler  


Absences In Secondary Schools

            All students in Marion county secondary schools are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for classes in order to benefit and to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline and responsibility.

            The School will cooperate with parents at every opportunity to try to improve their child’s attendance.  The administration, faculty and guidance departments of the school will work with the student in cooperation with the parents to solve problems which lead to poor attendance.  However, we recognize that the family and, in the final analysis, the student, must assume the responsibility for regular school attendance.

            In order to aid these students and their families in establishing regular attendance patterns, the Marion County Board of Education shall employ a certified county director of attendance to implement and execute the duties as defined in the School laws of West Virginia.  The attendance director may also file a juvenile petition of the Circuit Court of Marion County on any student who is habitually absent from Marion county Schools without lawful justification.  A complaint may also be filed on any person who contributes to or induces any child to be unlawfully absent from school.

            Pursuant with West Virginia State law, regular school attendance is a condition of licensing for the privilege of the operation of a motor vehicle.  A student who has withdrawn from school or has missed ten consecutive or fifteen days unexcused during a single school year is subject to the revocation of a driving permit or license.  A student whose driving privilege has been suspended must maintain satisfactory attendance during one complete semester following the revocation to be eligible for reinstatement of his/her driving privileges.   A student must obtain a verification of attendance/enrollment form from his/her school when making application for instructional permits or licenses at each level of the graduated licensing program.  A student can obtain a verification of attendance/enrollment form, provided that the student has not reached the disqualifying days often consecutive or fifteen days total unexcused absences during the school year.  Those who anticipate requiring a verification of attendance/enrollment form should make an application at least one week prior to the needed date.  The school will then process the form and secure the required signatures of the Attendance Director and Principal.  Students should apply for the verification form at the school in which they are enrolled.

            The attendance policy is subject to change.

          Marion County Make-up Work Policy

            Upon return to school following an absence for any reason, students shall be responsible to contact each teacher for make-up work.  Each student shall be given an equal number of days as s/he was absent to make up all work (maximum-ten days), with the exception that all work on the first day of absence will be due on the first day the student returns to school.

            Tardy Policy

            When a student reaches three tardies in a semester, the teacher will notify the office and the student will be called to appear before the assistant principal.  The assistant principal will then assign the student three days structured lunch.  A fourth tardy will result in four additional structured lunch days.  Failure to attend structured lunch may result in suspension from school.

            A student is considered absent from class if s/he arrives five minutes after the tardy bell.  Arrival within five minutes of the tardy bell will be considered a tardy.  If a student arrives five minutes past the tardy bell s/he will be marked absent.  Teachers are to be very cautious in writing admits for students to their next class.  This is to only be done when the teacher detains the student and is to be kept to a minimum.

            A student is considered absent from class if s/he misses 10 or more minutes of that class.  This applies specifically to

students who are signing in/out of the building for a doctor’s appointment, etc.  Students must let the teacher know at roll call if s/he will be leaving and show the pass from the office.  Students are to come to school with signed notes for appointments and are to take care of the sign out process in the office before school.  Students are strongly urged to schedule appointments outside the school day.

Sign In-Sign Out

            Students who come to school after the tardy bell for first period must sign in at the office.  If the student is to leave the building for any reason, he or she must have a parent or guardian sign them out in the office.  Upon returning that day, he or she must also sign back in.  Students who are ill and go home at lunch must have a parent or guardian sign them out of the office.  This will be noted in the sign in/out log book.  All of this is important in checking and verifying attendance each day.  Improper sign in/out will result in structured lunch.

            To check on a student’s attendance, the parent/guardian should contact one of the assistant principals at 367-2152.

Due Process

            Due process for students will be provided pursuant to West Virginia Board of Education Policy 4372.

            This code of conduct applies to all students enrolled in public schools in Marion County.  This policy does not supersede any rights granted to special education students by Federal or State Law or other State or County Board of Education policy.

Title IX Statement

            As required by federal law and regulations, the Marion county board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, handicapping condition, marital status, or national origin in employment or in its educational programs and activities.  Inquires may be referred to Gary Price, Title IX Coordinator/Section 504 Coordinator, Marion County Board of

Education, at 200 Gaston Avenue, Fairmont, WV  26554 (phone 367-2100) or to the Department of Education’s Director of the Office for Civil Rights.

Disciplinary Policy

            In order for all students at Fairmont Senior High School to achieve the highest standards of education, certain codes of conduct are necessary.  This policy is to supplement the county policy and to make known to parents, teachers and students what behavior is expected of them.  Procedures for promoting constructive, desirable behavior will be dealt with as this policy recommends.

            The listed actions/activities on the part of the student are considered nonproductive to education and to the well being of others in the school.

            The student committing the offense is responsible for all personal injuries and the parent or legal guardians are responsible for damages to the extent provided for by the law.

            Options listed for levels of behavior are the minimum—not maximum—responses to be taken.  If an offense is more severe, the response will be at the discretion of the administration.  Offenses at each level include but are not limited to those listed.  In the application of this discipline policy, all personnel shall be afforded due process.

            This policy will apply to all students with the exception that it shall not violate the state disciplinary policy for exceptional children.  In case of conflict, the state policy shall apply.

            The policy has five levels of offenses.  Levels 100-500.  Each is succeedingly more serious and results in stronger disciplinary consequences.  The complete policy is posted in every classroom.  Copies of the policy are available in the school office.

Instructional Support (when offered)

            A student will be placed in the Instructional Support Center after normal disciplinary procedures have been exhausted and allowed time for remediation and completion of class work.   

Rules for Structured Lunch

1.      All students are to sit in their seats facing the front of the room.

2.      Each student will be responsible for ordering his/her own lunch every morning in the main office, which must be paid for at that time.

3.      All forms of communication including gestures are prohibited.

4.      Students are prohibited from putting their heads down.

5.      Students are to bring in their own classwork.

6.      Each student is to be reminded each day why s/he is in structured lunch and how many days s/he has left.

7.      After two tardies to structured lunch, one additional day will be given.

8.      Punishment will result in the following:

First offense – Additional days of structured lunch
Second offense – Conference with principal to discuss further action.

            Students assigned to structured lunch will be given the room number.  Violation of any of the above rules as well as failure to attend structured lunch will result in IST or suspension from school.

Grading System

            Grades are issued at the close of each nine weeks.  The following interpretation of the grading system indicates the degree of achievement and the number of points given for regular, Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Credit courses.

                                                            Regular     AP/IB
A—Excellent or Superior Work               4               5
B—Good or Above Average                   3               4
C—Fair or Average                                 2               3
D—Poor but Passing*                             1               2
F—Failure                                               0               0
I—Incomplete Work

         Grade point averages are determined by adding the total points for semester grades and dividing by the number of classes taken.


Grade Scale

            The West Virginia Board of Education has adopted a state-wide grading policy.  All Marion County high schools and the vocational center will adhere to the state grading scales for assigning letter grades A, B, C, D and F.

            All classes will adhere to the following grade scale:  93-100=A; 85-92=B; 75-84=C; 65-74=D; Below 65=F; Audit=X and Incomplete=I.

            All grades of incomplete (except under unusual circumstances) must be changed to a regular grade within two weeks after report cards are issued.

Graduation Requirements

            Attendance for all four years during grades 9-12 is imperative to attain the educational goals of West Virginia.  Therefore, all students shall be scheduled for the full school day all four years except for seniors.  All students that take an AP College Course must take the AP exam.

Marion County Graduation Requirements  (Class of 2008)

English/Language Arts             4 units
Mathematics                             3 units  (Two of the three will be Algebra I and above)
Science                                     3 units   (Coordinated & Thematic Science 9 & 10, one course >CATS 10)

Social Studies                           3 units  (US to 1900, World to 1900, and 20/21st Centuries)
Physical Education/Wellness    1  unit
Health                                        1  unit
The Arts                                    1  unit   (Must be Dance, Music, Theater, or Visual Arts)
Career Majors                           4 units
Electives                                   4 units
Experiential Learning*            60 hours

                               TOTAL     24 units


            The graduation requirements listed above reflect the changes made in West Virginia Education standards according to State Board Policy 2510 which provides for the implementation of Senate Bill 300.

            Complete graduation and college entrance requirements are contained in the Scheduling Brochure and should be consulted by the student and his/her parents at the time of enrollment and each time a student schedules a new semester of work.

Experiential Learning Policy

            All students enrolled in grades 9-12 in Marion County shall participate in experiential learning experience as required for graduation. Students will be provided an opportunity to participate in an actual work-based activity or a simulation thereof in the area of their interest.  Activities may include but are not limited to tours, field trips, classroom speakers, job shadowing, community service, and part-time employment.  The hours must be approved by the Experiential Learning Coordinator.


Class Rank

            Courses at Fairmont Senior are weighted equally according to the four-point scale with exception of AP Courses.  The total number of points each student earns for each semester are added together and are divided by the number of semester classes completed up to that point.  This is done at the end of the first semester for each grade level.  Class rank is then determined by the cumulative grade point average and the GPA’s are arranged in descending order.


Promotions and Classifications

            Listed below is the minimum number of credits neces-

sary to be classified as a sophomore, junior, senior and the total for graduation.


    Graduation-24   Senior-17   Junior-11   Sophomore- 5

            Additional requirements are fully explained in the scheduling brochure and should be consulted when the student is completing his/her academic plans with his/her parents each year.

Honor Roll 

            The honor roll consists of all students taking a minimum of five credit classes who have achieved an average of B (3.0) or better for all semester grades.  The honor roll is posted at the end of each semester.

Summer School

            If a student at Fairmont Senior High School has failed to meet the requirements to successfully pass a class summer school session are available.  Fairmont Senior High School hosts summer school for all Marion and surrounding county students.  Summer school sessions run for six weeks, consisting of two three-week semesters.  A student may receive one full unit of credit for one subject or one-half credit in two different subjects.

            Summer school, sponsored by the Marion County board of Education, is on a tuition basis, with classes meeting daily from 7:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.

School Visitors

          It is against the school policy of Fairmont Senior High School to have visitors in the individual classes.  If visitors are brought to school, prior approval of one of the principals is necessary.  The visitors must be issued a one-day visitor’s pass to be present at the school.

            Parents who wish to visit with teachers must do so at either of the Parent Teacher Conferences, or they may make an appointment with the teacher by calling the school.

            Anyone visiting the school must report to the main office immediately upon entering the building before meeting with the teachers of students.

School Fees

            All students are encouraged to pay school fees each year unless approved for a waiver.  The school fee is $15.00.  The school fees are used for:

     1.      Student Council dues.
     2.      Loop Connection Subscription
     3.      Class rewards

Daily Announcements on WFHS

            Daily announcements related to school activities are published each morning and distributed to teachers, they are broadcast during third period on student TV, WFHS.  These announcements must be placed in Mrs. Poling’s mailbox in the main office no later than 7:00 a.m. on the morning they are to appear in the bulletin and on the broadcast.  Announcements may be submitted via e-mail to wfhstv.com.

School Closing

            The superintendent of schools, the director of transportation and other sources shall be responsible for deciding whether schools or an individual school will be closed or delayed due to inclement weather or other causes.  The following procedures will be followed in making this decision.

            If schools are to be closed or delayed in opening for the students the decision will be made and announced by 6 a.m., or in case of extreme weather conditions or other causes, the announcement may be made on the previous evening.  Please do not call the radio stations as this only ties up the phone lines when school authorities may be trying to reach the radio station.

            In case of a two-hour delay, there will be no change in the bus routes, but the times for pickup will be two hours later.  The afternoon dismissal will then run according to the regular schedule.

            The following radio and television stations will be notified of school closings or delays:  WTCS, WCLG, WVAQ, WKKW—television stations.

“C” Average Rule

            A rule adopted by the State board of Education at the 1984 second semester requires students in grades 9-12 to maintain a “C” or 2.0 average in order to participate in after-school activities.  Eligibility rules for each semester will be based on the previous semester grades.  The policy covers any activities that take place primarily after school, are not graded and do not count for class credits.  Students cannot be barred from an activity that they must enroll in a class to participate in, such as band, choral groups, yearbook and distributive education.  At Fairmont, groups affected include all athletic teams, cheerleaders and class and student body officers.

Extracurricular Participation

            Students who are absent from school on the day of an extracurricular activity will not be permitted to participate in that activity.  In order to participate in an extracurricular activity, a student must be present at least half of the day

Bell Schedule*

    100 Level/Outside*                                       200/300 Levels*



                7:15       Teachers report to school         7:15          7:30    Warning bell 1st period            7:30

                7:32       Begin Channel One                  7:32          7:35    Begin 1st period           7:35

                8:30       End 1st period                          8:30          8:35    Begin 2nd period           8:35    9:25    End 2nd period                 9:25       9:30                                        Begin 3rd period     9:30    10:25   End 3rd period  10:25               Begin First Lunch       10:25                                       10:30         Begin First 4th period 

                              End First Lunch                       10:50                     Begin Second 4th period           10:55

               11:20      End First 4th period and                                         Begin 2nd Lunch         

               11:45      End Second Lunch                                                End Second 4th period 11:45   11:50   Begin 5th period     11:50      12:40                                       End 5th period        12:40   12:45   Begin 6th period           12:45   1:35        End 6th period                                         1:35          1:40                                Begin 7th period           1:40

                2:30       End 7th period                          2:30

                2:35       Bus dismissal bell                    2:35          2:40    Teachers dismissed      2:40


            *To determine lunch, follow the schedule that applies to the room location of your 4th period class.

            *Above schedule is reversed at semester (change lunch times).

            For planned assemblies, the schedule will be announced in advance.  Two hour delay schedules will be announced in advance.  Two hour delay schedules will be announced/posted as needed.        

            Bus transportation to and from school is each school day by the Marion County Board of Education for those students who live outside a one-mile radius from the school.

Students are expected to follow the safety and conduct rules established by the Board of Education (Marion County Board of Education Policy 3.11).  Questions concerning bus transportation should be made to the Director of Transportation or made at the county garage on Virginia Avenue (phone 367-2161).  Students arriving at school by bus must remain on campus upon arrival.

Dress Code

            Dress is to be in good taste and morally correct.  Skirts and shorts must be in accord with the finger-tip rule.  Headwear (hats of any kind, bandannas, sunglasses) are not permitted in school along with anything that disrupts or detracts from the learning environment as identified by the teacher or administrator.

            Examples of unacceptable attire are:

1.      Jeans or shorts with inappropriate holes or tears.

2.       Backless garments, see-through clothing, bare midriffs, or miniskirts.

3.      Tank tops and muscle shirts

4.      Apparel with vulgar, obscene or graphically explicit words, art or pictures (This included Big Johnson, Naked Coed, and any other unacceptable wording.)

5.      Apparel displaying alcohol, tobacco, or drugs

6.      Boxer shorts and pajama bottoms

7.      Gang-related apparel, this includes any emblem or symbol including the Confederate flag, chain necklaces or bracelets, any chain over six inches in length, jewelry with blunt or sharp objects, gang logo or symbols.

8.      Face paint

9.      Trench coats (any color)

Students who wear unacceptable attire will be sent home and asked to change before they return to class.  Repeat offenders will be subject to suspension.  FSHS will comply with Marion County Dress Code 2.118.                 


FSHS Closed Campus

            Students who provide their own transportation to school (walk or ride) must immediately report on campus upon arrival.  Students who drive may not stay in their cars, and students who walk cannot stay off campus.  Once in sight of the school, students must immediately report on campus.  Students are not to be in their cars at any time during the school day.  Specifically, students are not to be in the Freshman Building Parking Lot at lunch.  The penalty for unauthorized leaving of the school campus is suspension.

Rules and Regulations

Hall Passes

            During class time, students must have a hall pass or note from the teacher to leave the classroom.  For restroom privileges, the student must have a signed agenda book.  To use the phone or go to a locker, the student must have a signed note from his/her teacher.  Students may not leave classrooms during “freeze time,” the first and last ten minutes of each period.

Radios, Walkmen, Stereos, Electronic Devices

            Students may not use radios, walkmen, stereos, beepers, remotes, laser pointers, or pagers in the school.  Cell phones may be used before school, at lunch, and after school.  Cell phones may not be visible and are not permitted to disrupt the learning environment.  Those students who disobey this restriction will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action by the school administration.
Telephone Messages

            Students are not permitted to place or receive calls on the school phone.  Messages from parents or guardians will be taken by the school secretary or office worker and delivered to the student’s classroom.  However, students are not permitted to leave class to return calls unless it is an emergency.

Off-Limit Areas

            The teachers’ lounges are off-limit to all students unless written permission is given by a teacher.  The Senior Court is restricted to seniors only; no underclassmen are permitted to sit on Senior Court during the day.

            Students are not allowed to loiter in the hallways during lunchtime and the first and last ten minutes of each class (freeze time.)

Locker Assignments

            Locker assignments are made by homeroom teachers at the beginning of school.  Each teacher is given a block of lockers from which assignments are made.

            A combination lock is installed into all lockers.  Students are not permitted to share lockers. If caught sharing a locker, both students’ locker privileges may be suspended.  Students taking P.E. are instructed to lock all valuables in their P.E. locker.

            If for any reason school officials find sufficient evidence to search a locker, they have the right to do so without notifying the student.
Fire Drills

            The following policies have been formulated by the administration of Fairmont Senior High School concerning fire drills:

   1. There will be ten fire drills each school year.  These drills may be called for at any period of the day.  Each teacher will be in full command of his/her class.  Order is absolutely necessary.
   2. The alarm will be the ringing of the automatic fire alarm system.
   3. Each teacher is directly responsible for his/her own class in leaving and returning, and should be ready to assist in any unusual circumstances or emergencies.
   4. A student in each class shall be appointed to assist in the proper execution of the drills.  His/Her duties shall be to close the windows, turn off the lights and close the door after the students have evacuated the room. That student shall then follow the line of students from the room.
   5. If an unusual situation is created, such as blocking off some stairway or barring an exit, each teacher must determine immediately the exit the students in his/her room would use in case the usual one is cut off.
   6. The return signal will be one ring of the main bell system of the buildings.  Teachers should listen for the signal, reverse the lines and return at once.
   7. Should a fire alarm sound while students are in the hallways before school, during class or at noon, students and teachers shall form lines, two abreast, and leave the building by the following exits:  
        a.  The bottom floor will leave by the two side exits.
        b.  The main floor will leave by the front exit.
        c.  The top floor will leave by the two exits leading to the Back Drive.
        d.  The freshman building will use the front parking lot exit.  
        e.  The Polar Bear buildings will use the exit designated by the teacher.   
   8. Teachers will instruct their students about correct fire drill procedures.
   9. Teachers will take their roll books to assist in accounting for all students.

Lunch Procedures

            The lunch period is divided into two shifts according to the student’s fourth period class.  Students having fourth period on the first floor and any outside building have first lunch.  Those with fourth period classes on the second or third floors have second lunch.  First lunch begins at 10:25 a.m. and ends at 10:55 a.m.  Second lunch begins at 11:20 a.m and ends at 11:50 a.m.  Students may pre-pay for breakfast/lunch in the main office between 7:15 and 7:30.  The lunch periods are rotated each semester.

            During both lunches, the cafeteria and DECA snack bar in the gym will be open to students. Lunch in the cafeteria is $1.00 (if pre-paid) and $1.50 if paid in line, unless the student is eligible for reduced (.40) or free lunch.  The charging of lunch is prohibited.

            In addition to lunch, the cafeteria staff also serves breakfast between 7:15-7:35 a.m. daily.  The cost is 60 cents, with reduced breakfast at 30 cents or free breakfast for those who qualify.  Breakfast and lunch prices are subject to change.

            Students are not permitted to be in the halls during lunch.  All students must report to the cafeteria, or old gym. 

Driving and Parking

            Students and parents are advised that there is no parking allowed on Outlook Road as the police will ticket cars which are illegally parked.  As in the past, students are not to stand or loiter on Outlook Road.

            The area on Eighth Street from the intersection of Outlook Road to Park Drive is reserved from 6:30 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. each school day for teachers/staff parking.  Student parking is available in the Freshman Building parking lot.  Students who violate these rules will be subject to suspension.

Back Drive Etiquette

            Parents are requested to facilitate movement through the Back Drive in the morning by dropping their students off on Outlook Road rather than stopping at the back of the main building.

            With the arrival of busses, teachers and students, traffic is often backed up for several minutes in the area behind the school, making staff parking a time-consuming process.  As no other parking is available for staff, cooperation of those parents who drive their students to school is requested.

Elevator Keys

            Elevator keys for students with injuries are available from the office.  A $10 deposit is required and will be returned when the student returns the key.

Deliveries to Students at School

            Students, family and friends are requested not to send flowers and gifts to students at school.  Often these gifts arrive late in the day before students can be notified of the arrival of the items.  The school cannot assume responsibility for the care and delivery of these items. Also per Marion County Transportation Dept. students are not permitted to take delivered items on school buses.

Counseling Services

Counseling/Guidance Staff

            Counselors will be available to assist students and parents to make and carry out adequate plans and to achieve satisfactory adjustments in all aspects of daily life.  Some of the broad areas which comprise these services are orientations, testing, educational and occupational information, and counseling.  Parents may contact the counselors by calling the school at 367-2151.

Permission for Out-of-School Visitation

            Seniors may be excused from school two days during their senior year for a career-related purpose (for example, visits to post secondary campuses and military testing.)  Juniors are permitted one day during their second semester.  The student must secure prior approval from the school in order for the absence to be excused.  A form, obtained from a guidance counselor, and parent or guardian.  Also, when the student makes the visitation, s/he must obtain the signature of an official representing the institution and return the form to the counselor to be placed in the student’s cumulative folder.


            In the spring, each student receives a pre-registration booklet which lists the graduation requirements and course descriptions.  Each student meets with his counselor to determine the subjects to be taken for the next school term. Students will register for classes through arena scheduling once the master schedule has been developed.


Adding and Dropping Classes at Fairmont Senior High School

            Prior to the opening of school in the fall and at the beginning of the second semester, classes may be dropped or added if it is absolutely necessary.  This time span is 2 weeks (10 days).  Once this time period has elapsed, the following options are available:

1.        Conference with teacher & counselor to discuss current course progress.

2.        Investigate peer tutoring through National Honor Society.

3.        Investigate after school tutoring offered by the school.

4.        Contact the Marion County Board of Education or FSU for a tutor.


   1. Drop the course with a failing grade.

a.        Form must be signed and dated by parent and student.

b.        Complete semester in a non-credited course.

   2. Drop to a lower level course in same content area (i.e. Algebra I to Applied Math I

a.        Grade will be computed by proportionally averaging both grades.

b.        Drop form must be signed and dated by parent, student and teacher.

       3.  Procedures for auditing a class.

                   a.  Complete all assignments, quizzes, and tests

                   b.  Follow FSHS attendance policy.

                   c.  If student does not follow A&B, student will receive a grade of “F” for the semester.

d.  Student will receive an AUD in the course.

e.  AUD will not affect the GPA

f.  Decision to audit must be made NO LATER than three (3) instructional days after report
     cards are issued at the end of the first and third nine weeks.

g.       Form must be signed and dated by parent, student, and teacher.

Adding and Dropping Classes at Marion County Technical Center

            Additional information regarding the Marion County Technical Center’s Add/Drop policy is available in the Counselor’s office.

Repeating Courses

            Any required course that is failed must be repeated.  A student may repeat an elective class if he so desires.  In cases where a course is repeated, both the original and subsequent grades are counted for compiling grade point averages and class rank.

Personal Counseling Services

            Providing quality personal counseling servicing is one of the highest priorities of this department.  Each student has the opportunity to take advantage of these services and may see the

counselor of his choice.  Classroom presentations are made to all freshmen to acquaint them with the role and function of a guidance counselor.  At this time, the students are encouraged to visit the offices of the counselor and to feel free to discuss their problems.

            The professionalism of the counselor is stressed and the student’s right to confidentiality is assured.  Initial contact may be made by the student themselves, or the counselor may act on a referral made by a faculty member.  If necessary, the counselors may refer the student and/or his parents to other professionals or agencies in the field.  It is a goal of the counselors to always provide an atmosphere of confidence, confidentiality and professionalism for the student seeking personal counseling.

Conflict Resolution/Peer Mediation

            When students are involved in a non-physical dispute, Conflict Managers offer assistance in resolving the problem.  If the disputants so choose, the Managers help them by using a structured problem-solving process to clarify the nature of the dispute and to assist the disputants in reaching a mutually satisfactory resolution to their problem.  See one of the counselors for information.


The tradition continues at FSHS

Alma Mater

O’er the green campus of Fairmont High,
Rings out the strong spirit of do or die.
Our sons give their pledges, loyal and true.
Dear Alma Mater, we sing to you!

 Fight Song

Fight for ol’ Fairmont
Fairmont must win.
Fight to the finish
Never give in.

Rah Rah Rah
You do your best, boys
We’ll do the rest, boys
Fight for ol’ FSH!


Polar Bear Mascot

            How did a typical high school in Fairmont, West Virginia, claim the Polar Bear as its mascot?  Fairmont Senior High School is nowhere near the North Pole or the Artic Circle.

            It all began in 1907 when Frank Ice was appointed as athletic coach of all sports (football, baseball and basketball).  The teams took on the title of  “Ice’s Men.”

            In January 1926, “Biz” Dawson entered Fairmont Senior as the new football coach.  The problem then arose to choose a new mascot.  Eagles, Tigers and Panthers were suggested, but using a play on the word “ice,” the name Polar Bears was adopted and Royal Blue and White were chosen as the school colors.  Red was added as an accent color when Rivesville consolidated with Fairmont Senior in the fall of 1985.

            The FSHS building was added to the list of National Historic Landmarks in March of 2002.

Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook

            In adhering to West Virginia Policy 4372, the Handbook Summary Statements of the West Virginia Student Handbook-Student Rights and Responsibilities are included here:


                Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand.  As a student in West Virginia, you have basic rights and responsibilities.  As a student, it is your responsibility to obey rules and regulations and to cooperate with school authorities who enforce these rules and regulations.


                Regardless of race, religion, national origin, language, gender, disability, marital status, parenthood, or pregnancy, you have the right to an education and the responsibility to pursue it.


                The United States and West Virginia constitutions guarantee certain freedoms and the responsibilities, that go with them, including freedom of religion, speech, the press, to assemble peaceably, and to petition the government.


                Regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, language, gender, disability, marital status, parenthood, or pregnancy, you have the right to participate in extracurricular activities.


                As a student, you have the right to choose reasonable styles of dress and hair.

Section VI:  PRIVACY

                You have certain privacy rights in your school records.


                You may not possess or use alcohol, drugs, tobacco or deadly weapons.  Students may view a copy of the entire Student Handbook in the main office, the principal’s office, in the counselor’s office, or in the library.

 Selection to the National Honor Society

            Twice yearly students are eligible for induction into the Ad Astra Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS).  Membership is based upon scholarship, leadership, character, and service.  To be eligible, a student must have a 3.5 GPA and be involved in school leadership and school activities.

            A list containing the names of those students who return a preliminary form to the NHS adviser indicating their desire for membership is sent to all faculty.  A recommendation scale of 1 to 4 is used – 4 being the highest.  A student may obtain at least a 3.5 average in each category and should receive votes from at least twenty-five percent of the entire faculty.  The balloting is then reviewed by a faculty committee.  All decisions made by the committee are final.  There is no limit on the number of students inducted.
Special Notice To Parents/Students

            Students who miss four or fewer days are not required to take final exams.  However, the faculty has gone on record as encouraging all students to take the final exams as experience for college/post-high school testing.  County Policy regarding testing for all students will be observed.

            No medicine (prescription or nonprescription) of any kind may be given to a student by school personnel unless authorized by the administration and parent(s)/guardians(s)

Notice to All Students and Others

            The Marion County Board of Education is committed to ensuring the safety and well being of all students and staff.  Any threat against students or staff will result in immediate suspension from school, and local law enforcement agencies will be informed.  Rumors of threats will be investigated fully, and local law enforcement will be notified.  A helpline number has bee established where reports of any threat to the safety and well-being of students, teachers, and staff will be fully investigated.  All reports are handled confidentially.  The helpline number is 1-866-SAFE-WVA (1-866-723-3982

            Note: All policies, rules, and regulations contained in this handbook are subject to revision.  As changes are made, students will be notified via the announcements and WFHS.  Fairmont Senior High School adheres to all county and state regulations and policies.

*Individual classroom management plans dictate hall pass usage.
WV School of Excellence  |  Listed on the National Register of Historic Places  |  1 Loop Park, Fairmont, WV 26554  |  304-367-2150  |  Principal Karen Finamore