50th Reunion Weekend


Karen and Melinda

Micki, Gail and Bruce

Shirley and Dave Hubbell

Larry Walker, Norm, Virgil and Dennis Gill

Art and Geri

Virgil and Noreen

Melinda, Craig and Carol

Cindy and Rich Hesch

Mike and Bruce

da Boyz.... Virgil, Mike, Bruce and Pete

Melinda and Noreen

Carol, Micki, Gail, Craig, Mike and Kathy

Dave Williams and Joyce

Rich Hetz, Arles and ....Lisa!

Larry Walker


Marion, Don, Bruce, Virgil, Melinda, Gail and Carol


Marion, Don, Patty, Norm and Cindy


Pete, Noreen and Rick

Cindy, Rich, Dave and Joyce



Pete and Larry

Shirley and Pete

Marj Weigel and Kathy Latimer

Rose and Virgil

Presbyterian Banquet Hall


Reception table


Dave Waite, Dave Williams, Micki, Brenda Joyce and Norm

Larry, Rich M, Virgil Shirley, and Dave

Rich H, Rick, Noreen, Arles and ...

Karen, Melinda, Marion, Rose and Gail

Brenda, Micki, Norm, Dave W Carol and Dave Waite


Cindy, Geri, Shirley, Carol and Noreen


Class of '69

Back row: Virgil Swartwood, Rich Hetz, Pete Lucero, Rich Muse, Dave Hubbell, Dave Williams, Cindy Pustelak, Dave Waite
Center Row: Bruce Boyce, Marion Momeyer, Arles Mills, Geraldine Filutze, Karen Callahan, Rosemary Stadler, Norm Campbell, Melinda Barthelson
Front Row: Mildred Lewis, Carol Dailey, Shirley Polk, Noreen Markley

Class, spouses and guests





