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•   Jan Wagner (Dunn)  6/14
•   Melinda Barthelson (Holliday)  1/17
•   Gail Spensley  1/15
•   Gail Loper (Healy)  8/4
•   Dave Hubbell  8/3
•   Al Nystrom  6/21
•   Sheldon Peterson  6/20
•   Mike Rodeno  5/3
•   Pierre de Graan  4/9
•   Norman Campbell (Campbell)  2/18
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•   Patty Mantz (Maynard)  9/18
•   Dave Waite  9/22
•   Dave Hubbell  9/27
•   Mildred Lewis (Kuhn)  10/12


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Fairview High School
Class Of 1969





























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Recently four men, all graduates of Fairview High School in the late 60's gathered in Edinboro for a reunion and a bike ride. From left to right, Don Miller, Ron Graff, class of '68 and Sheldon Peterson, Craig Latimer, '69. Don Miller, currently living in Old Fort, North Carolina stopped in the area on his return from Thornbury, Ontario where he participated in a fifty-mile gravel bike race. Don captured first place in his age group qualifying him to participate in the UCI World Gravel Championships to be held in Italy on October 8. For forty years the Erie region was home to the Highmark QUAD Games a four-event series that included a swim meet in the spring, a bike race in the summer, a running race in the fall and a cross-country ski race in the winter. Over four decades and nearly 160 events and with thousands and thousands of participants, Ron Graff was one of just two people that completed every single event in the history of the QUAD, an amazing athletic achievement.
Sheldon Peterson played lead guitar in his high school band, The Emphatics and more than half a century later is still playing guitar professionally as well as riding his bike 3-4,000 miles a year. In mid-June when this picture was taken, Sheldon had just completed a seven-month chemotherapy treatment program, the second time in his life Sheldon has defeated cancer. On June 2, Craig Latimer celebrated fifty years of marriage to Kathy McDougall, Fhs '70. Craig was a bit of a late bloomer on the bicycle, not riding a two-wheeler until age 7 when his father took off the training wheels and gave him a gentle push down the driveway.

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