In Memory

Marcia Wiedenfeld

Marcia Wiedenfeld

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01/15/13 06:22 PM #1    

Martha Moore (Siegfried)

Still miss you, dear friend!  Visit your resting place everytime I'm back in FD but you live in my heart always.

05/28/13 10:19 PM #2    

Beth Miklo (Mortenson)

I will always remember how Marcia made me feel welcome when I started at St. Ed's as a junior. She made me feel like we'd been friends for years.  Marcia  was a beautiful girl who  had a twinkle in her eye and a smile I'll never forget. It still brings a tear to my eye when I think about the night Marcia died. I still miss her to this day.

06/18/13 12:13 PM #3    

Sheila McCarville (McCarville-Jennerjohn)

Every July 28 I say a prayer and remember the fun times Marcia and I had together golfing.  We were kind of opposite in a lot of ways at that time, she more on wildside and me more subdued.  But underneath, both of us had much in common and so enjoyed times we had together.  I spent more time with her that summer of 73 before the accident at the Junior Girls Golf Tournament in Burlington.It was for the week - Debbie Worley's parents took us down and we stopped at the Amana's for lunch.  I remember in particular a moment at the house Marcia was staying at and there were other girls staying there as well.  I was to head down to another home I was being boarded at for the week outside Keokuk, which did not make me happy to be so far away.  The girls said something nitpicking about me in a negative way and Marcia spoke right up to let them know I could hear them and they shouldn't be saying anything anyway. 

We had good times out at the Country club practicing - sometimes not as fun, as others were also frustrating.  I can still hear her voice from the one time she was so frustrated about  her swing not going well and she just yelled out.  Her dad was our coach so I think that made it a little difficult for her sometimes, though Coach Wiedenfeld was  laid back and patient. 

I remember going out to the quarry once with Marcia and some others one time to swim.  Details are lost but I always have feeling of smiles and laughter when I think of Marcia.  She was a good friend.

That was a tough morning when my Mom came in crying to tell me about the accident.  Debbie, Mary Chalus, I believe Holly, and I all went over to the house that morning. Great sadness. I remember Debbie's group singing "Friends" and I can still see and hear this from Marcia's funeral. I was lost when I got home after the service - just in a daze. 

Now, though I remember theses moments clearly, I always like to pull up the laughter and smiles of Marcia and hear her encouraging voice. She was so young but she is in a good place.

06/19/13 01:00 PM #4    

Mike Tilton

  Marcia was like a guy friend, she was so eager to make friends with you. She had many friends and always a smile.

Never forget our first real date, it was so great meeting her Mom and everybody already knows her dad of coarse.

I was so nervous when I knocked on the door. Definitely got her home ontime, we had a great time

06/19/13 07:51 PM #5    

Robert Wolf

I remember setting behind Marcia in freshroom homeroom. I got the nerve to ask her to sign my yearbook. I still look at it from time to time. We were out of state when the accident happend, didn't learn of of till way after the funeral.

06/20/13 12:57 AM #6    

Mike Smith

All the great comments about Marcia are appreciated.  She was awesome.  I remember being a pallbearer and having to switch sides of the aisle in church because I'd been in an accident and had an arm in a cast, and could only carry the casket on one side.  Why did I survive my accident, and Marcia and Greg didn't?  Why did four in the car not survive, but two did?  I don't know, but I do know that a Christian faith can be sustaining and comforting when we don't have all the answers.


06/20/13 07:44 AM #7    

Tom Koch

I became friends with Marcia in 8th grade. My older sister, Cindy, had this huge crush on her brother, Mark. Cindy would give me tightly folded notes for Marcia to deliver. We of course leared how to refold them before delivery. What a smile. I was too afraid of the Coach to ask her out.

06/21/13 06:25 PM #8    

Sandy Wilkins (Cain)

Marcia was a close friend, she was supposed to be with us that nite.  I think her death changed me in so many ways.  I have never really gotten over that and i regret that i didnt have the ability to be of more support to her mom and dad.  I think of her often, esp. when i see her folks. I will never get that night out of my head.  I guess she was just perfect enough to skip some of lifes bumps and go straight to heaven, and be the angel she is.

04/04/18 12:30 PM #9    

David Crotts

Where do I start?  Visually maybe?  I can still see Marcia and Sandy Buelt skipping down the hall to the Art Room.  Art class allowed us all the opportunity to talk and visit while working on projects.  Marcia was one of the first females that took the time to pick and probe and try and found out what lurked inside my introverted nature.  I think she thought I was some sort of enigma.  I thought she was great.  She was always interested in what I was doing or thinking and I always thought that she was a bit nosey.  But I loved her anyway.

Once, she asked if she could borrow my 175 Kawasaki motorcycle.  She wanted to go motorcycle riding with a friend of hers from  FDSH.  I was a bit skeptical about it, but agreed.  Because it was Marsha.  She had to ask me a few times and beg once... and then it was a deal.  The bike came back in one piece and I was relieved.

That night, I was sitting on the square on the cycle visiting with people.  A car came around and I heard "Crottsie".  I looked around and her arm was out the window waving and I saw Greg in there too.  I waved back.  Such a big, open extraverted personality that Marcia. 

The next morning my mother woke me up and said, "Wasn't Marsha the one that borrowed your motorcycle?"  When she told me what happened, it was as though someone took a neddle and popped my heart like a balloon. She was very kind to me and always made me feel valuable.  I felt very lost and alone during the funeral and leaving her at her grave.  Death hit hard that summer. 

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