In Memory

Greg Lennon

Greg Lennon

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05/27/13 02:12 PM #1    

Tom Koch

John Hayes and I were working at Hy Vee on a Saturday morning and he told me the devastating news that Marcia died and Greg was in a Des Moines hospital. Later that morning the news came...Greg and I were Junior locker partners.  Greg was a Holy Rosary basketball and football stud.  I was just a Corpus Christi guy when we were Freshmen.  From then on, he backed me up in football, and I backed him up in basketball.  As locker partners we kidded around and became friends.  I didn't know how to deal with loss of a friend then and have always regretted that I couldn't deal with going to the funerals of Greg, Marcia, and Mark during high school.  I am glad that our class has kept their memories and the memories of all our classmates who have gone before us alive. 

05/28/13 05:29 PM #2    

Mary Lynn Kolacia (Biggins)

Greg was a great guy.  A lot of Holy Rosary memories.  I remember summers and the group of guys riding around south side on their bicycles.  I always thought he was so cool.  We stayed close friends and was devastated when he and Marcia were in the accident.  We were all invincible we thought. 

05/29/13 01:35 AM #3    

Robert Wolf

I remember Greg from Holy Rosary too, he was one of the popular guys but he was always friendly to everybody. I remember Marcia as well. I sat behind her in freshman homeroom. I was always quiet but worked up the nerve to have her sign my year book. I think I surprised her. It seems like we were on a family trip and didn't learn of the accident till later.

06/20/13 01:15 PM #4    

Kitty Burk (Estlund)

Greg was a good friend.  I remember that night as he stopped to see if I would go with them.  We sat out in our patio and he said his brother would be there and all would be good.  I deceided not to go and later that night his cousin Tom Lennon came to my house to tell me of the horrific accident.  Greg ( My husband ) Estlund found Pat and went with him to the hospitlal.    I can still see him and think of him often.   Greg had a great smile and gosh could he make me laugh.  We were just good friends and both comforting each other on our high school break ups..   I know Greg touched everyone in his own special way, life was too short for him and all the others.  And like the rest of you he and the others will always hold a special place in my heart and yours..  We as a class lost way too many in our school years.  


06/21/13 06:27 PM #5    

Sandy Wilkins (Cain)

One of the nicest, kind, fun guy! He and Marcia are still missed

06/22/13 09:31 PM #6    

Sharon Hill

This is a tough one. Greg was ALWAYS nice in grade school and then on into high school. His death was one of the saddest times of my life. Among my parents belongings, I was fortunate enought to come across a recording of our 8th grade class doing reports, that includes him, among others. To hear his voice, all these years later, still brings tears to my eyes. 

04/04/18 01:03 PM #7    

David Crotts

Greg and I hung out a lot in grade school, off and on.  Sometimes we wouldnt see much of each other and then we'd spend couple weeks doing stuff.  We had a few things in common.  The youngest in the family and our fathers had died when we were very young.  Greg took it upon himself to be my bodyguard at times.  :-)

Kids wouldn't want to give me grief because Greg would step in and put them in their place.  I appreciated his loyalty and concern about me.  I remember one summer... around 6th or 7th grade,  he wanted to go see the movie  "The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini."  He was going with or without me.  We were only 11 or 12 at the time.  I had to ask my mother if I could go and have money.  I was afraid that she would say "no" because of the nature of the movie, and I was afraid that she would say "yes", because of the nature of the movie.  I didn't know what to expect from a movie like that.  :-)

So many memories from basketball and football at Holy Rosary with Greg.  In high school, Greg branched out and developed so many more relationships.  I was trying to navigate high school and avoided the bathroom so that i wouldn't have to "push pennies".  Was always proud of Greg and watching him excel athletically. 

His death hit hard.  Someone so alive and strong and vibrant.  Now gone.  I remember the Holy Rosary girls organizing a group of us and going to the Lennon house to deliver flowers and offer condolences.  His brother Pat helping his mother through our visit.  The grief was intense. 

I was sitting on the square on my motorcycle that evening of the car accident.  The car they were in came around and Marcia yelled my name out a window of the backseat.  Greg was in the vehicle too.  It was a typical, ordinary evening at that point in time.  The next morning, nothing was ordinary.  Had to learn how to deal with more loss.

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