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Classmates In Indiana: 56
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Sharon Armstrong (Miller)
David Auman
James Bauer
James Beltz
David Bender
Gary Bennett
Marlene Buesching (Augenstein)
Thomas Cook
Diane Cowan (Kurtz)
Thomas Dietel
Steven Doctor
Norb Dreyer
Marcia Ellenwood (Tinkel)
Carol Frede (Speith)
William Gehring
Paul Gerding
Pat Griffith (Bobay)
Barbara Grote
Thomas Grote
Karenjane Hausmann (Dalrymple)
Judy Heine (Rice)
Lovis Hoadley (Ort)
Sharon Kiefer (Hollis)
Linda Koehler (Kmetz)
Roger Koehlinger
Ann Koeneman (Zurcher)
Martha Korte (Habegger)
Michael Kracium
Frederick Krueger
Linda Luepke (Vaughan)
William Meyer
Elizabeth Moldthan (Bock Hoyt)
Michael Mommer
Carolyn Muehlenbruck (Hughes)
Ron Oldsen
Janice Reinking (Hand)
Sharon Rinehart (Dammeier)
Monice Roemke (Leeuw)
Sandra Scheumann (Grice)
Don Schoenefeld
Kathy Schroeder (Kohn)
Mark Schwehn
Pamela Sebring (Wallace)
Darold Shuler
William Smallwood
James Smith
Sandra Snouffer (Fritz)
Dennis Stoppenhagen
Susanne Taylor (Gensel)
Ralph Traycoff
Karen Underwood (Putman)
David Van Burk
Susan Waikel (Till)
Sandra Weaver (Dubbelde)
Donn Werling
Pam Wrogeman (Crick)