Janet Schoenefeld (Buuck)
Now I want to thank Tom Schoenherr, another gifted and talented writer with much compassion and empathy! His book, The Deeper Journey, is written with deep insights, compassion,and humor (we can remember Tom's humor from high school days, right?) in such a way as to provoke the reader to think deeper into his own life's situation. It's written as a series of blogs, woven together as threads of thoughts about a book he read, someone's life event that inspired him and stirred him to pray...into a wonderful book that I found hard to put down when I began to read it. I learned we have common interests in baking bread and prayer walking as we listen for God's leading in all the big and little things going on around us.
It's hard to pick one paragraph from his book to share, but "...Is it You again?" caught my attention. The last paragraph reads, "Each of us has stories of troubles and sorrows that others may not know; problems of fear, loneliness and distress that we carry with us. We need to have people who will look away from their phones, put them down, and attend to us in our distress. We are invited to do the same for others. As good as our technology may be, we still need human-to-human connection for healing and care for one another. We need to see Jesus Christ in one another, for this is how God gets His loving activity done in the world. So when we see "whoever" coming toward us, sitting across from us or next to us, maybe we will ask, "Oh, Jesus, is it You again?"
As Rita O'Dea wrote in the Forward: "His insights help remove the "cataracts" from our eyes that keep us from seeing the holy in the everyday and the sacred in all that is around us. He prays with a pen... He weaves his musings into a broad tapestry with threads from local news, global events, musicals, film, poetry, contemporary fiction, and Scripture scholars from many traditions."
I have loved his writing style and his broad knowledge that challenges deeper thought...along with his "gentle humor" that we all know. He refers us to his blog post website, www.spiritualcompanioning.wordpress.com. I recommend his book as a wonderful gift or just a nice read to be enjoyed. Bless you, Tom. Thanks for the way you are making a big difference in the world around you! Jan