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12/09/13 01:39 PM #18    

Cheryl Lindeman (Markey)

Dear Orlando.


We pray for your wife and the difficult decisions ahead.  At times like this the only thing that can keep us going is that what awaits us is far better.  Our eartly family and friends will feel the loss but they can be comforted in this knowledge.  Like Jim said, as we age, so many of us will face difficult health issues.  I am so sorry you have to go through this.  Please know that many are praying for you and Linda.  God's blessing, peace and comfort to you both.


Cheryl Lindeman Markey

12/09/13 03:40 PM #19    


Thomas Schoenherr

Dear Orlie and Linda,

We continue to have your names at the top of our prayer list. Know that we are there for you as best we can. We pray for you to be able to rest in God's faithful promise as you make difficult choices and decisions. May the peace of God be with you always. 



12/09/13 04:48 PM #20    


Janice Reinking (Hand)

Dear Orlando and Linda
My daily prayers and thoughts are with you at this most trying time. I have also had breat cancer and chemo, God was by my side all the way. Please know you are not alone in this difficult time and that prayer is so powerful. Only God knows what lies ahead but keep the faith and he will comfort both of you.
Blessings to you
Jan Reinking Hand

12/10/13 09:08 AM #21    

David McCollister

Dear Orlie & Linda,

Prayer is a powerful blessing from our God,.  Twice in my life time I have had cancer. Both times I recovered; I know my recovery was due to prayer.  My wife Jeri and I will continue to pray for Lind's recovery, because our Lord & Saviour will hear the prayers of his people.  God's Blessings to you & Linda.


Dave McCollister

12/10/13 09:42 AM #22    

Orlando Trier

Lin and I want to thank all of you for your prayers and support.  As you are aware strength comes in numbers.  Even though years and miles separate us we are remain one in Christ and he invites us to encourage one another in our journey through life.  We pray daily that we can see God in the midst of all of this and trust him in all circumstances.  We pray that the joy and peace which only Christ can give be your family and yours this Christmas season!  Orlie

12/10/13 10:40 AM #23    

Karol Gill (Selle)

Dear Orlie and Linda,

It has been many years since Carl and I visited you in Portland and life has changed for all of us. Thank you for asking for our prayer support during this difficult journey.

Our Lord will continue to cover you with His love and peace!

Love, peace and hope in our Advent King,

Karol Gill Selle


12/13/13 03:25 AM #24    


Janet Schoenefeld (Buuck)

Dear Orlie and Lin,

I just returned home from CA and am just now learning about Lin's current struggle with her cancer.  I am so sorry for the mental, physicical and emotional pain you both are enduring now.  I know that this long trial has drawn you closer to the Lord and that He is there beside you giving you the strength you need for each day.  I will be praying for His peace to fill your hearts and minds as you walk through this time together.  May His Words bring you comfort, strength and healing as you put all your trust in His saving grace.  Lin is so blessed to have you, Orlie, beside her, faithfully caring for her.  You both are blessed to have your Risen Lord at your side, meeting your needs.  I pray for family and friends to surround you with support and for much Godly wisdom to fill your minds.  Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus...I know you do.

John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives...  Let not your heart be  troubled, neither let it be afraid."

Phil. 4:7  "The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Ps 29:11 "The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace."

1 Peter 5:7 "Cast ALL your anxiety on God because He cares for you."

I will hold you in my thoughts and prayers.  I wish I could do more to help you.  God bless and keep you.


04/07/14 02:44 PM #25    


James Smith

Please pray for the niece of Carla Wadewitz Ternieden who was involved in a serious car accident.

08/03/14 01:22 PM #26    


James Smith

Please pray for Carol (Frede) Speith who recently underwent surgery for cancer.  She still lives in Fort Wayne and is a member of Concordia Lutheran Church where she usually attends the 9:15 contemporary service.  We don't have any further information regarding surgery results, but we will keep you updated if we hear anything.

08/03/14 05:27 PM #27    


Pamela Sebring (Wallace)

To Carol


 I saw your name in the prayer list at Concordia Church.  I have included you in my prayers. I hope and pray all goes well with you.  God's blessings...  Pam Wallace (Sebring)l

08/08/14 08:45 PM #28    


Janice Reinking (Hand)

Dear Carol
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God will sustain you in this recovery period. Stay strong :))
Jan Reinking Hand

09/19/14 11:32 PM #29    

Cheryl Lindeman (Markey)

Dear Bill and Pat,


I just smile thinking of the fun we would have in class, Bill.  I wish you and your wife the peace and comfort of a speedy recovery and the joy of knowing you are in His hands.  That's how I get through everything.  I just picture myself in His hands and I know I will be ok.  Prayers and thoughts going your way.


A great debt of gratitude to Jim for always keeping us informed of each other's live, needs and celebrations.

God bless you all.


Cheryl Lindeman Markey


09/20/14 05:20 PM #30    


Susan Waikel (Till)

Dear Cheryl and family:

So sorry about all the pain and suffering with the lupus and the joint/replacement stuff. I have debated the knee replacement and putting it off --- using prolotherapy, platelet therapy and next is stem cell.........I fell on one knee and it is a "pain"..................but I cannot redo it once I go to surgery. Praying that the docs and the Good Lord will heal you. Keep us informed and may He bring you relief and comfort.

Prayers and Best wishes,

Susan Waikel Till

09/21/14 12:52 PM #31    

Karol Gill (Selle)


It has been years since we connected, but know that you are in my prayers for excellent treatment and God's continued grace in your life.

His love,

Karol Gill Selle

10/07/14 10:15 PM #32    


Thomas Schoenherr

Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Norb, and your family, that God will hold you close in this fearful time. In the midst of all the dark thoughts and fears that can fill your mind and hearts at a time like this, we pray that God will draw you close so that no matter what may happen you may all be assured that you rest in God's loving arms. We pray for healing for your granddaughter, and we pray that the community of caring people there will surround you all with the love and support you need at this time. Peace.


11/19/14 02:26 PM #33    

Karol Gill (Selle)

Dear friends,

Carl and I have been on a real journey since July when he was diagnosed with the tick borne Powassan Virus, in October he had stroke-like symptoms and then yesterday we met with the neuro-oncologist at the Marshfield Clinic. The news is not what we wanted to hear. He is diagnosed with a fast-growing Astrocytoma tumor. The doctor called it the most common and a “nasty” one. We will have an appointment next week with a radiation oncologist to set up the radiation treatment that will begin on Dec. 1. Radiation is for six weeks and then four weeks of rest before the long chemo treatment.

We are taking one day at a time and know we are in the Lord’s hands. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we digest this news.

God is good! Thank you for your care, prayers and concern,



11/20/14 01:00 PM #34    

Marilyn Droege (McClure)

My dear Karol, this was not the news that any of us wanted to hear about Carl's condition and what the two of you will be facing in the days to come. We know that Carl has been such a faithful kingdom worker for our Lord who knows Him better than any of us do, and we trust in God's compassion and His divine care for His children. I am sure God is going to use you and Carl to spread His good news to the people that you meet in these new circles that you will be entering. Wish we were closer so that we could give you and Carl a hug. Please know that you will be in our prayers often in the days to come. May God surround you with His unfailing and unending love. Our love to you, Carl, and the whole family!   



11/20/14 02:40 PM #35    


Thomas Schoenherr

I was glad to have met Carl at the reunion, and we certainly will pray that God will hold you close and lead through this troubled time. We will pray for healing, and that this can be a time when you both are drawn to rest in God's Promise of love and care. God will always be there for you and with you. A passage I have found helpful is Isaiah 54:7-10. Peace and hope to you in the midst of the storm!


11/23/14 01:57 PM #36    


Janice Reinking (Hand)

Dear Karol and Carl
I am so sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay positive, be aggressive with your treatment, everyday new advancements in treatment. You are always in my thoughts as I put my rings on my dresser in the little wooden bowl Carl made for us. God is in control and our great healer. Put all your truct in Him. Please keep me updated. Miss seeing you, hopefully if you come this way in the near future please call me.
Love to you Jan

11/23/14 01:58 PM #37    


Janice Reinking (Hand)

Dear Karol and Carl
I am so sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay positive, be aggressive with your treatment, everyday new advancements in treatment. You are always in my thoughts as I put my rings on my dresser in the little wooden bowl Carl made for us. God is in control and our great healer. Put all your trust in Him. Please keep me updated. Miss seeing you, hopefully if you come this way in the near future please call me.
Love to you Jan

12/08/14 08:16 PM #38    

Karol Gill (Selle)

Dear Orlie,

I pray for God's peace to fill your heart, mind and soul. This has been a journey for you and Linda. You have been a wonderful witness to the world throughout this time.

In His love,


12/08/14 08:18 PM #39    

Karol Gill (Selle)

Dear friends,

Finally, Carl began his radiation and chemo today. We are praying for a miracle and wisdom as we walk this way.

Thank you for your prayers and love!



12/09/14 01:52 PM #40    

Cheryl Lindeman (Markey)

Dear Orlando,

May God bless you and comfort you and your family in this difficult time.  Linda has had the final healing and is in a state of joy and peace.  I wish that for you, too.


Cheryl Lindeman Markey

12/09/14 01:53 PM #41    

Cheryl Lindeman (Markey)

Dear Karol,

I am right there besdie you praying for that miracle, too.


God bless you both.


Cheryl Lindeman Markey

12/13/14 01:30 PM #42    


Janet Schoenefeld (Buuck)

Dear Carl and Karol, you have been in my thoughts and prayers since I read this week about the course of treatments now in progress.  I know it must seem like a hugh mountain to climb, but take it one day, one step at a time and keep your focus on the strength of the One who created all things.  He has promised to make all things new...Is 43:18-19 and Rev 21:5.  I have held on tightly to His words there and found a faithful, loving God Who loves to meet our needs and prove Himself strong as our refuge in the storm.  God will give you a platform in the midst of the storm to be a witness to His glory.  May He comfort and strengthen you along the way...with nuggets of gold and surround you with His angels and people to assist you.  We just saw how God carried my cousin's husband through several months of these treatments and watched how God brought them to a deeper level of faith as He did works of miracles for them.  I believe that for you too.  Keep us posted, Karol, on this site.  God bless you and your family for the celebration of our Lord's birth.  Love you, Jan

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