Terry Campbell

Profile Updated: March 1, 2008
Residing In: Dubuque, IA USA
Spouse/Partner: Cathy
Homepage: www.myspace.com\terry36
Occupation: Sales and Service
Children: Rourke 11yrs old
Connor 10yrs old
Nikki(step-daughter) 19yrs old
Yes! Attending Reunion

Cathy and I started a Karaoke business in 2001. C-N-T Entertainment plays around the Tri-State area. Cathy runs the business now, while I like to stay home with the boys. Some of you that have visited Galena in the last 5 years and have gone to Gobbies probably have met her at one time or another. She also plays at the The Grape. As for myself I work for McCloud Services out of Hoffmann Estates. I am a Sales and Service Technician, I have been with them for just under 2 years. I hope everyone from our class is doing well and look forward to catching up in July!

School Story:

Wow a lot of memories... not sure any of them can be talked about here though. LOL

Terry's Latest Interactions

Terry Campbell has a birthday today.
Nov 08, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Terry Campbell has a birthday today.
Nov 08, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Terry Campbell has a birthday today.
Nov 08, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Terry Campbell has a birthday today.
Nov 08, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Terry Campbell has a birthday today.
Nov 08, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Terry Campbell has a birthday today.
Nov 08, 2014 at 4:33 AM
