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Frank L Ashley High School Class of 1965
A new announcement has been added to the homepage:
Sep 14, 2024 at 8:35 AM

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Sorry, An Updated Update on Attendees as of 9/14/2024


If you decide you can come at the last minute, please come and pay at the door.  We would love to have you.  Please let me know if you can come via email - rustyford1@gmail.com

Our 59th Reunion is scheduled for September 28th. 

Where: First United Methodist Church - Family Life Center
Time: 5:00pm till 9:00pm
Hors d'oeuvres: 6:00pm
Dinner: 7:00pm, Same Fantastic Food as last year!
Cost: $30.00/person

Alcohol-free event

Please send a check to:
Frank L Ashley, Class of '65
1110 Fairfield Dr,
Gastonia, NC 28054

Paid 2024
Last Name Nickname Maiden
Alm Judy Maney
Arrowood Gene  
Bowden Pat Bowden
Bridges Kay  
Clagg Mike  
Clagg Betty Oates
Clanton Debbie  
Clanton Rick  
Culbertson Cubby  
Davis Bill  
Edge Dennis  
Edge Janice  
Edwards Diana  
Edwards Jr. Ralph  
Ford Bobbye Lockett
Ford Rusty  
Francum Dennis  
Francum Sherry  
Gantt Ken  
Gantt Wanda  
Grooms Angela  
Grooms, Jr. Joe  
Hawkins Ray  
Killette Sandy Pruitt
Lewis Nova Hamrick
Manning Joyce  
Manning Rick  
Morgan Leonard  
Ratchford George Ann  
Ratchford Andy  
Stacy Mike  
Stacy Sherry Stowe
Stultz David  
Stultz Jennie Thomas
Wheeler Bob  
Young Terry  
Young Jenny  


Look forward to seeing you there!  I HOPE



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Frank L Ashley High School Class of 1965
A new announcement has been added to the homepage:
Sep 12, 2024 at 5:36 PM

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Hell-o Class of '65.

Sad News!
Please remember in your thoughts and prayers Bill Kelly, who lost his younger son, Jim, who died 9/12/2024.  Details will be given as they develop.


Bobbye and Rusty Ford



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Sep 09, 2024 at 7:52 PM

Happy Birthday, Norma !!!! Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day!!

Gail Alexander Greene posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 09, 2024 at 3:47 PM

Posted on: Sep 09, 2024 at 3:45 PM

Have a wonderful birthday! Celebrate just getting refined and polished! Forever young!??????

Frank L Ashley High School Class of 1965
A new announcement has been added to the homepage:
Sep 08, 2024 at 10:44 AM

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Hell-o Class of '65.
Please remember Bob Stewart, as his wife, Irina, lost her battle with ovarian cancer on Wednesday, Aug 28th.  Bob and Irina have lived many years in France.  Bob has made arrangements for Irina to be buried in Holland and her funeral service will be held on September 12th at 1400 which is 8am our time.  He asked that we share the link for the liveview of her service. 

The funeral will be held in Wassenaar, The Netherlands.  You will be able to follow the service on Livestream by copying and pasting the following link in your browser.  https://livestr.nl/omen129.htm


We will attempt to attach a card Bob has for friends and family later.

Bobbye and Rusty Ford


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Frank L Ashley High School Class of 1965
A new announcement has been added to the homepage:
Sep 06, 2024 at 5:51 PM

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Hell-o Class of '65.
Please remember Bob Stewart, as his wife, Irina, lost her battle with ovarian cancer on Wednesday, Aug 28th.  Bob and Irina have lived many years in France.  Bob has made arrangements for Irina to be buried in Holland and her funeral service will be held on September 12th at 1400 which is 8am our time.  He asked that we share the link for the liveview of her service. 

The funeral will be held in Wassenaar, The Netherlands.  You will be able to follow the service on Livestream by copying and pasting the following link in your browser.  https://livestr.nl/omen129.htm


We will attempt to attach a card Bob has for friends and family later.

Bobbye and Rusty Ford






Attendees 2024
Nickname Maiden Last Name
Judy Maney Alm
Gene   Arrowood
Pat Bowden Bowden
Kay   Bridges
Mike   Clagg
Betty Oates Clagg
Rick   Clanton
Debbie   Clanton
Cubby   Culbertson
Bill   Davis
Dennis   Edge
Janice   Edge
Bobbye Lockett Ford
Rusty   Ford
Sherry   Francum
Dennis   Francum
Wanda   Gantt
Ken   Gantt
Ray   Hawkins
Joyce   Manning
Rick   Manning
Leonard   Morgan
Sherry Stowe Stacy
Mike   Stacy
David   Stultz
Jennie Thomas Stultz
Bob   Wheeler
Terry   Young
Jenny   Young

Please add your name to this list by September 15.  

We have to guarantee a number for the food.

Look forward to seeing you there!  I HOPE




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Frank L Ashley High School Class of 1965
A new announcement has been added to the homepage:
Sep 01, 2024 at 7:51 PM

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We were just informed by Bob Stewart, living in France, that his wife, Irina, died on Wednesday, August 28th after a long battle with Ovarian Cancer.  She will be buried in Holland on September 12th.  Please remember Bob during this most difficult time.




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Frank L Ashley High School Class of 1965
A new announcement has been added to the homepage:
Sep 01, 2024 at 7:51 PM

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An Update on Attendees as of 9/5/2024


Our 59th Reunion is scheduled for September 28th. 

Where: First United Methodist Church - Family Life Center
Time: 5:00pm till 9:00pm
Hors d'oeuvres: 6:00pm
Dinner: 7:00pm, Same Fantastic Food as last year!
Cost: $30.00/person

Alcohol free event

Please send a check to:
Frank L Ashley Class of '65
1110 Fairfield Dr,
Gastonia, NC 28054

People who have already signed up:

Attendees 2024
Nickname Maiden Last Name
Judy Maney Alm
Gene   Arrowood
Pat Bowden Bowden
Kay   Bridges
Mike   Clagg
Betty Oates Clagg
Rick   Clanton
Debbie   Clanton
Cubby   Culbertson
Bill   Davis
Dennis   Edge
Janice   Edge
Bobbye Lockett Ford
Rusty   Ford
Sherry   Francum
Dennis   Francum
Wanda   Gantt
Ken   Gantt
Ray   Hawkins
Joyce   Manning
Rick   Manning
Leonard   Morgan
Sherry Stowe Stacy
Mike   Stacy
David   Stultz
Jennie Thomas Stultz
Bob   Wheeler
Terry   Young
Jenny   Young

Please add your name to this list by September 15.  

We have to guarantee a number for the food.

Look forward to seeing you there!  I HOPE


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Frank L Ashley High School Class of 1965
A new announcement has been added to the homepage:
Aug 28, 2024 at 9:39 PM

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An Update on Attendees as of 8/28/2024


Our 59th Reunion is scheduled for September 28th. 

Where: First United Methodist Church - Family Life Center
Time: 5:00pm till 9:00pm
Hors d'oeuvres: 6:00pm
Dinner: 7:00pm, Same Fantastic Food as last year!
Cost: $30.00/person

Alcohol free event

Please send a check to:
Bobbye Ford
1110 Fairfield Dr,
Gastonia, NC 28054

People who have already signed up:

Paid 2024
Last Name Nickname Maiden
Alm Judy Maney
Bowden Pat Bowden
Bridges Kay  
Clagg Betty Oates
Clagg Mike  
Davis Bill  
Edge Janice  
Edge Dennis  
Ford Rusty  
Ford Bobbye Lockett
Francum Sherry  
Francum Dennis  
Gantt Wanda  
Gantt Ken  
Hawkins Ray  
Manning Joyce  
Manning Rick  
Stacy Mike  
Stacy Sherry Stowe
Young Terry  
Young Jenny  

Please add your name to this list by September 15.  

We have to guarantee a number for the food.

Look forward to seeing you there!  I HOPE


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Frank L Ashley High School Class of 1965
A new announcement has been added to the homepage:
Aug 25, 2024 at 7:29 PM

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A Reminder!! 

Our 59th Reunion is scheduled for September 28th. 

Where: First United Methodist Church - Family Life Center
Time: 5:00pm till 9:00pm
Hors d'oeuvres: 6:00pm
Dinner: 7:00pm, Same Fantastic Food as last year!
Cost: $30.00/person

Alcohol free event

Please send a check to:
Bobbye Ford
1110 Fairfield Dr,
Gastonia, NC 28054

People who have already signed up:

Paid 2024
Last Name Nickname Maiden
Alm Judy Maney
Bowden Pat Bowden
Bridges Kay  
Clagg Mike  
Clagg Betty Oates
Davis Bill  
Ford Bobbye Lockett
Ford Rusty  
Francum Sherry  
Francum Dennis  
Gantt Wanda  
Gantt Ken  
Young Jenny  
Young Terry  

Please add your name to this list by September 15.   We have to guarantee a number for the food.

Look forward to seeing you there!  I HOPE


On a sad note, Sandra Rector Price died on July 7, 2024

***  We have lost another classmate--- Phyllis Wellman on August 10, 2024


A note from Leonard Morgan:

Hey All. So sorry to hear of the heart aches coming from another of our Green Wave Family. Guess this is another one of the reasons that Cub and I started to push for the Reunion Gatherings again several years ago. None of us is promised even tomorrow. And this is why I preach that we need to gather and hold tight to each other and the many wonderful memories of the days of our past. The ASHLEY LIFE was a pretty special time and place for all 
of us! ! ! 

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Frank L Ashley High School Class of 1965
A new announcement has been added to the homepage:
Aug 25, 2024 at 7:29 PM

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A Reminder!! 

Our 59th Reunion is scheduled for September 28th. 

Where: First United Methodist Church - Family Life Center
Time: 5:00pm till 9:00pm
Hors d'oeuvres: 6:00pm
Dinner: 7:00pm, Same Fantastic Food as last year!
Cost: $30.00/person

Alcohol free event

Please send a check to:
Bobbye Ford
1110 Fairfield Dr,
Gastonia, NC 28054

People who have already signed up:

Paid 2024
Last Name Nickname Maiden
Alm Judy Maney
Bowden Pat Bowden
Bridges Kay  
Clagg Mike  
Clagg Betty Oates
Davis Bill  
Ford Bobbye Lockett
Ford Rusty  
Francum Sherry  
Francum Dennis  
Gantt Wanda  
Gantt Ken  
Young Jenny  
Young Terry  

Please add your name to this list by September 15.  

We have to guarantee a number for the food.

Look forward to seeing you there!  I HOPE


On a sad note, Sandra Rector Price died on July 7, 2024

***  We have lost another classmate--- Phyllis Wellman on August 10, 2024


A note from Leonard Morgan:

Hey All. So sorry to hear of the heart aches coming from another of our Green Wave Family. Guess this is another one of the reasons that Cub and I started to push for the Reunion Gatherings again several years ago. None of us is promised even tomorrow. And this is why I preach that we need to gather and hold tight to each other and the many wonderful memories of the days of our past. The ASHLEY LIFE was a pretty special time and place for all 
of us! ! ! 

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Frank L Ashley High School Class of 1965
A new announcement has been added to the homepage:
Aug 13, 2024 at 10:38 PM

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We are hoping that all are well and happy!  We have scheduled our 59th Reunion for September 28th.  I hope you received the details that were sent to you last week.

*** I failed to tell you where to send your checks....Bobbye Ford, 1110 Fairfield Drive, Gastonia, NC 28054.


On a sad note, Sandra Rector Price died on July 7, 2024

***  We have lost another classmate--- Phyllis Wellman on August 10, 2024


A note from Leonard Morgan:

Hey All. So sorry to hear of the heart aches coming from another of our Green Wave Family. Guess this is another one of the reasons that Cub and I started to push for the Reunion Gatherings again several years ago. None of us is promised even tomorrow. And this is why I preach that we need to gather and hold tight to each other and the many wonderful memories of the days of our past. The ASHLEY LIFE was a pretty special time and place for all 
of us! ! ! 

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Frank L Ashley High School Class of 1965
A new announcement has been added to the homepage:
Jul 28, 2024 at 3:56 PM

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We are hoping that all are well and happy!  We have scheduled our 59th Reunion for September 28th.  I hope you received the details that were sent to you last week.

*** I failed to tell you where to send your checks....Bobbye Ford, 1110 Fairfield Drive, Gastonia, NC 28054.


On a sad note, Sandra Rector Price died on July 7, 2024


A note from Leonard Morgan:

Hey All. So sorry to hear of the heart aches coming from another of our Green Wave Family. Guess this is another one of the reasons that Cub and I started to push for the Reunion Gatherings again several years ago. None of us is promised even tomorrow. And this is why I preach that we need to gather and hold tight to each other and the many wonderful memories of the days of our past. The ASHLEY LIFE was a pretty special time and place for all 
of us! ! ! 

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Sponsored Message
Jul 21, 2024 at 10:46 AM

Have a great birthday!

Jul 14, 2024 at 3:22 PM

Happy belated birthday!
