Kristina Hill Nissen

Profile Updated: May 14, 2009
Kristina Hill
Residing In: Overland Park, KS USA
Spouse/Partner: Korey Nissen
Homepage: Facebook - Kristina Nissen
Occupation: Enterprise Sales Director - Microsoft
Children: Avery - 3 1/2
Sydney - 5 1/2
Ethan - 17
Military Service: Army
Yes! Attending Reunion

Looking forward to seeing everyone - Cannot believe it has been 20 years!

Shortly after High School - I joined the Army reserve (I know I still laugh about it and can't believe I survived!) I learned alot in the military though - two things primarily - We are much stonger physically and mentally than we give ourselved credit for -You can really be all you want to be!

I came back to GF and graduated from UND with an Accounting degree - passed the CPA exam the first time (thank goodness) and worked in public accounting for 5 years.

I married my boyfriend from College - Korey Nissen, also a UND grad in 1996. We have three great kids - Ethan (my step-son, 17), Sydney (5) and Avery (3). Ethan will graduate this year from high school and is plannig to attend American University in DC. Sydney is in Kindergarten and Avery is in pre-school.

After spending several years in public accounting, I went to work for what was Great Plains which was acquired by Microsoft. I have worked in a number of different roles and relocated several times with Microsoft to various locations in the US.

We currently reside in Overland Park, Kansas and moved here from 3 years living in sunny Florida. I run our Enterprise Sales business out of Kansas City and have a great team based here.

My husband is stay-at-home dad extrordinaire - I couldn't do what I do without him. I also work for an amazing company that has allowed me to have a great balance between being a mom and being a professional - I am really grateful!

I have been incredibly blessed the last 20 years as I hope all of you have. Looking back - I've been surprised at how much my priorities have changed in the last 20 years. I care much less about the car I drive, what I wear, the title on my business card or the size of my house and I care much more about the quality of my relationships and what I give back to those I love vs. what they give to me. I care more about being grateful for what I have and not what I don't

My children have tought me the gift of slowing down - the old cliche of slow down and smell the roses - I get it now and thankfully so.

My 3 1/2 year old son Avery was diagnosed with Autism almost 2 years ago - He an amazing little fighter. We have been both humbled and inspired with the power of faith and belief in his potential - We've learned so much over the last couple of years and he's come so far!

I still believe God only gives you as much as you can handle - My life has been great but not without it's challenges. I think I am stonger for it.

I've been super excited to get connected with many of you via Facebook just over the last couple of months - It's been awesome to reconnect with many of you via e-mail and see your lovely families and how you have all changed!

Best Wises to you all for a great 2009 - I cannot wait to see you all soon!

School Story:

Most vivid memories are of Dankia Warner and Angie Knutson teaching me to drive - You'll be happy to know I am still a crappy driver - Nothing has changed :)

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:09 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:09 AM
Avery - Just turned 4 Year's Old
He has the same birthday as his Mom!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:09 AM
Sydney 6 Years Old
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:09 AM
