Humphreys "Sam" Henderson George

Profile Updated: February 12, 2014
Residing In: McDonald, TN USA
Spouse/Partner: Joe George
Homepage: View Website
Occupation: wife, mother, grandmother
Children: Joe Jr, born 1959. at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland. He has one daughter, Caylin, one son, Joey

Tracy, More…born 1961, Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. He has one son, Ben

Eric, born 1965, born in Frankfurt, Germany. Our bachelor, no children.

Jenni, born 1971, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. She has one stepson, Levi, two sons, Nicholas and Mitchell

Karin, born 1973, Needham, Massachusetts. One daughter, Riley

I'm the older woman (class of 1956) and am honored to be invited to your class reunion. I was a life guard at Robert Henry Memorial Pool after I graduated, then was a life guard and swimming instructor at Lillo's the summer of 1957. I attended Mississippi Southern (USM) where I met the love of my life, Joe George. We married March 8,1958 and celebrated 50 years together last year. We have 5 children, 7 grandchildren. Joe retired as a Full Colonel after 30 years in the Army. He then worked 10 years for a company out of D.C. We have moved 46 times. We have done a lot of traveling and lived in many states including Hawaii as well as overseas in Germany, Pakistan, Haiti, Bosnia, and Africa. We now live in Tennessee next door to our oldest daughter, Jenni, and 3 of our grandchildren. Jenni was a backup singer for the band, Confederate Railroad, for 2 years as one of their "Trashettes", named for their hit record, Trashy Women. Our oldest son and wife live outside London. The other children live within a couple of hours drive so we are able to be together quite often. We have one dog, a schnoodle (inherited from Ken Dowe). Joe is a golfer and I use to play, I plan on getting back to the links again this fall. The grandchildren keep us busy and I do a lot of yard work and gardening. I look forward to seeing friends I know from school and meeting new ones I didn't get a chance to know.

School Story:

Our class, 1956, was the second graduating class from the then new high school. I always looked forward to sitting on the big steps out front of EE Bass as that was where only the Seniors sat. Never made it...but once I got use to the way around the new high school, I enjoyed it. Mrs. Thomas always liked to tell the story of how when we went to Memphis for our Senior trip to see "Teahouse of the August Moon", we were allowed back stage to meet the actors. The lead actor asked me out and she thought that was great. Every time I would return home, she would say..."remember when we went to see 'Teahouse of the August Moon" and that actor asked you out?" And, no, I didn't go out with him! I do still have his autograph, though.

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