In Memory

Chris Stewart

Chris Stewart

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04/13/11 07:13 PM #1    

Judy Moeller (Sercy)

My first kiss!

05/03/11 09:49 PM #2    

Carroll Culbertson

He was on the 1971 state championship soccer team . He and i were good friends

07/27/11 08:46 AM #3    

Bill Lloyd

Chris and I were friends in Greenville ( elementary school ) before moving to Greenwood. In Greenville, we would pick rabbit tobacco, roll it, and smoke it. I guess we thought that was cool. Played "kick the cans" and all that fun stuff. Anyway, we had many fond childhood memories. He moved away from Greenville a couple of years before me. I had no idea where he was moving to.....when I arrived at Northside Jr. High in the seventh grade, very nervous about my new surroundings......Guess who was in my first class? Yep, old Chris made me feel right at home. Great friend and I miss him.

07/31/11 09:35 AM #4    

Joyce Edwards (Brown)

What a kind and talented man.  Why did juvenile diabetes take such a toll on his life?

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