If we are unable to locate a classmate, they have not joined our website or we don't have an email for them the are on the missing list. To be removed from the list please join the website or provide us with an updated email by using contact us page or email us at info.cdeast1982@gmail.com
The Committee is maintaining this website as our main tool to communicate any reunion details, which also provides us a means to send broadcast emails to those who have registered. We also have a Facebook page that you can request to join to you get any info/update posts. These tools can also provide a way for classmates to privately communicate with each other or put things on an opened Message Forum.
We no longer maintain a seperate database to or try to find mailing addresses for those on this list and are no longer spending funds on mailing paper invitations. This Website and our Facebook Page provide the easiest methods for our class to find us if they wish, as well as providing the committee the tools to plan, communicate and do online ticket purchases.
If you see someone on this list that you are in contact with and are thinking "I know where there are" then you can use the contact classmate tool or email them directly and tell them we do not have a valid email and ask them to visit our website @ www.cdeast82.com to register or us the contact us to provide an updated email.
The website is free and simple to use and you can control your own privacy settings. (See our Privacy Policy/FAQs Page).