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…to the official website for the CD East Class of 1982. This site is owned by our class and all content is created by our class.  Use of this site is free to all its members.  Your information on this website is not made available to anyone outside of our class, and you have options on how your profile is viewed.  We are not affiliated with classmates.com or other alumni sites.

We hope that using this website will make the process of communicating reunion information, as well as keeping up to date with how to contact classmates, more efficient for both you and the committee


To gain access to all the features of this website, you need to register using an email and create your own personal password.
It's easy, free and secure. 

      1. Click on the "Join Here" link top right of the home page under the blue sign in button.
      2. Find and click on your name.
      3. Follow the 5 step wizard to enter your contact/profile 
          information. Please enter your full mailing address.

Please read the Privacy Policy/FAQ page (#3) to learn about the different options for how your contact and profile information are shared, along with other important details about the website.  Privacy options can be found at the bottom of the "Edit Profile" page while completing your registration, or changed at anytime.


Want to also get updates on Facebook? 

Click here to like our class page or join the class group.



40th Class Reunion Committee Members

Toni (Dermes) Walker - {Committee Co-Chair}
Lorraina Mosko - {Committee Co-Chair}
Debbie Jo (Stoner) Botterbusch 
Talleen (Berrier) Brehm
Maria (Scarangella) Ferretti
Linda Hartman
Diane (Wright) Hengemihle
Lori (Follett) Kostelac
Don Walker


We are sorry to learn of the passing of one of our classmates Lori Sheeley on April 3, 2016.  Information has been added to the In Memory Page.  Her twin brother Bill had passed in 2013.

We are very sad to learn of the passing of Denise Farver Calamia.  Denise served as our Class Vice President and was involved in planning many of our class reunions.  You can find her obituary details and link to it online by going to the In Memory Page and clicking on her name.  Thoughts and prayer go out to her husband Vince, also a classmate, and her family.  Services will be held April 3rd, 2024.

If you are wondering why your yearbook photo has magically appeared on your profile and how it got there... The committee wants this site to also be a place where we can reflect on our schools years and be able to make connections with old friends,  so we are adding new things along the way.  We’ve added some new photo galleries with pictures from the yearbook and past reunions, but sometimes just seeing a name without a face makes us think too hard, so adding the senior picture may help!  Please note that the site administrator (only) has the ability to add your yearbook photo, which will then show up at the top of your profile.  Remember these profiles are only seen by classmates that have accounts and no one else.  Photos will only be added for those that created an account so it will not be there when you first sign in. If you do not want your photo on your profile use the "Contact Us" link and let us know.

Note there are two survey links (for site members only).  Please take a few moments to complete them

Reunion Survey: In order to see what kind of interest there is to attend a reunion, and the type of reunion prefer.

Website Survey: A way for us to see how you are finding out about our website and feedback on it.

Do you know the email of a classmate on the missing list?....There is a tool you can use (Top Right) to easily communicate this website to them.  Please feel free to use it.  The invitation email comes from the site and not the person entering the email. 


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 46.0%

A:   154   Joined
B:   181   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

