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In Memory

Jennifer Matthews (Anderson)

Jennifer Matthews (Anderson)

On Dec. 30, 2009, Matthews and six other CIA operatives at Forward Operating Base Chapman were waiting for a Jordanian doctor, Balawi, who they believed had infiltrated al-Qaeda’s upper ranks.  The CIA arranged for Balawi to be driven to its Khost base for a secret debriefing with several agency officers, including Matthews. She and her team were so eager to meet Balawi that they arrayed themselves in front of his car to greet him.... Balawi, sitting in the back, climbed out and yelled to Allah. Then Balawi, who was wearing a vest laden with C-4 explosives, hit the detonator. A flash lit up the base as the explosion unleashed bits of shrapnel and ball bearings.... Jennifer died in a helicopter on the way to a hospital along with her 6 fellow CIA employees.

To read the full article about Jennifers tragic death while on assignment for the CIA in Afghanistan use this link
