Reunion Details



​A fun filled evening overflowing with good food and fabulous company has been arranged just for you.  Those of us who have attended these functions in the past have had more fun than ever expected.  The evening is intended for you to get to know classmates that you may not have known well during our time at Harrison High or reconnecting with those you've lost touch with over the years as life's journey has taken each of us to experiences and destinations that molded us into who we are today.  We've grown up, grown old and have stories worth sharing.

Please save the date and spend a couple hours with old friends and perhaps make some new friends.  We will be sending out a printed invitation to the addresses we have available.  Spread the word.  If we do not have updated email and mailing addresses we are counting on word of mouth to get the  information out to as many classmates as possible.    

Following are the details of the evening planned to bring a non-stop smile to your face and heart that will last until our next reunion.

Date:   August 25, 2018

Time: 6 PM to 10 PM

Place: The Meadows, 59 East Main St., Addyston, OH  45001

Cost: $35 per person

Make check payable to Harrison High School Class of 1963 and mail to Peggy McDonald, 9078 Harrison Ave., Cleves, OH  45002 to be received no later than July 14, 2018.  Please include the attendees names as you would like them on your name tags with your reservation.

It's a fun night.  Plan to join your classmates.

Best Wishes,

Barb Metz



