Class Of 1969
Click the picture, select "Hail to the Fleet" and turn up the speakers! Pat youselves on the back Band!!
Thanks to Bob Parr for the song, and Robin Wise for the remastering!!!!
You’ve lived, you learned and you still love a good party. Obviously. Wow. Y'all even impressed the bartender. When he commented on the "PRETTY ROWDY REUNION attendees", Jim Marciniak told him not to worry. "They haven't had their meds yet."
Thanks to Marvin Werstler for keeping these images from our Senior Talent Day!
L to R: Jim Marciniak, Bass Guitar, Jim Nichols, Drums, Georgia Cotton, Vocals, Ron Domer, Guitar, Bill Wensel, Guitar. We sang: GIVE A DAMN, by Spanky & Our Gang, and AIN'T TOO PROUD TO BEG by Sam & Dave.
July 13, 2013 - Get together at Pam (West) Clayton and John's Summer cabin - Atwood Lake. A big "Thank you" to John and Pam, for offering their cabin for an informal get-together. As it turned out, we were all lucky to have shared time together.
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There are a lot of new things coming to the web page. Check back once in awhile. - Pat
I am modifying the pop-out-player so anyone can add songs they want. Not just sixties. (and yes, i know low rider wasn't sixties at the reunion. I just couldn't help myself.)
If you want to listen to music as you navigate around the website, click on pop-out player. This will open the player in a separate window if you have pop-ups enabled. Click on play which is the center bigger button on the upper left hand side to play or stop and then minimize the window. We can add or delete tunes so let us know.

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• Tanny Aemmer (Thompson)
• Joyce Robertson (Fettrow)
• Lannie Stephens
• Cindy Cavalier (Falkenstein)
• Bob Black
• Gary Rhodes
• Susan Brown (Yohey)
• Douglas Lavy
• Lana Hostetler (Turner)
• Glenn Werstler