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06/14/16 03:05 PM #62    

Dennis Wilen

Very cool.  downloaded the Kindle version.  Thanks.  :-)


06/16/16 05:16 PM #63    

Barry Ergang

Thanks, Dennis. I hope you enjoy it.

To you and any other classmates who might have downloaded the book prior to last night, you might want to scrap the version you have and go back and download a newer version. I received word from Smashwords that the margins were incorrectly formatted which, depending on the device it's being viewed with, can make the layout look peculiar or even render the book unreadable. I made the corrections and uploaded the corrected copy.

Whether you love it, hate it, or fall somewhere in between, consider leaving comments on the e-book's page.

Thanks again!

10/02/16 04:42 PM #64    

Barry Ergang

Have you ever read, for a high school or college English lit class assignment, or voluntarily, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"? For those who have, as well as anyone else who might be interested, let me introduce you--with no apologies to T.S. Eliot--to "The Lust Song of J. Alfred Rudeshock" by yours truly. Reprinted here on the Internet in the e-zine Spilling Cocoa Over Martin Amis, it was originally published in the print poetry journal The Listening Eye, from Kent State University, in 2000. 

10/26/16 09:31 AM #65    

Barry Ergang

With no apologies to Eddie Poe--or his raven:

For what it’s worth, though exaggerated for comedy’s sake, all of the incidents in this one actually occurred (some 20 years or so ago). This was originally published in Maelstrom, Volume II, Issue 1, 1998.
And here’s a very short "groaner" for Halloween:

02/14/17 11:05 AM #66    

Mark Perlmutter

Anyone with information on Joel Robbins? Would love to contact him. Thanks!

Mark Perlmutter


02/15/17 08:36 PM #67    


Carson Thompson

Happy Birthday, Mark! Hope you find our  "red headed" classmate, Joel!! Kit

12/08/17 09:32 AM #68    

Barry Ergang

I have to sadly report the death of our classmate and my old friend Keith Wittig, who passed yesterday at 8:08 a.m. according to the e-mail I received from John Rintz, Keith's partner of 47 years. 

Keith had not been well for quite a while, suffering from a heart ailment and Parkinson's Disease. He had been in hospice at the Masonic Village in Elizabethtown, PA. John reported that Keith passed "peacefully and quickly." He was unable to get there before it happened, but took their dog Kelly with him, and she jumped "onto the bed and laid down beside Keith and put her head on his chest" and remained that way until the people from the funeral home arrived. "No one can ever know how much peace and strength that act of love has given me," John wrote. "Thank God for that moment in time."

Keith and I were good friends in junior high and high school. As often happens, we lost touch with one another for many years until one day in the late 1980s, he phoned me and we had a pleasant conversation. But then many years once again went by until, a few years ago, he called again. After that we remained in contact. The last couple of times I spoke to him, which was about a month or so ago, he sounded strong. A day or two later, John e-mailed me to let me know Keith was down with pneumonia, not for the first time. What finally took him from us was a fifth bout of aspirating pneumonia his system couldn't combat.

The qualities about Keith that never changed, and which I'll always remember, were his intellectual curiosities and his contemplative nature.

Rest in peace, my friend, and God bless you.

12/09/17 11:22 AM #69    


Debbie Klingler (Wolfe)


Thank you for notifying the class of the passing of Keith Wittig.  I have added him to the 'In Memory' page.

12/09/17 04:48 PM #70    

Barry Ergang

As did I, Debbie--but I thank you for doing so.

12/31/17 08:36 AM #71    


Greg Plank

From our English classes in high school:

Oh, God! it is a fearful thing

To see the human soul take wing


The Prisoner of Chillon

Lord Byron

Rest in Peace


01/01/18 01:43 PM #72    


Barry Kanefsky

Happy New Year!

Wishing all my fellow classmates a wonderful and happy year!

05/25/18 02:43 PM #73    


Bob Schaumann '63 (HHS63 Reunion Committee)

Hi folks,

It is with considerable sadness that I learned today of the passing of one of your class members, Dottie Winther.  

Dottie came to HHS in her junior year, having moved from Connecticut to Havertown in the summer of 1962.  She and I dated for about six months when I was a senior. Good memories of high school dances in the gym, too, as - I being tall - Dottie would stand on my loafers to gain an extra inch or two and I would move her around the floor.  She was the nicest of people and I was so happy to locate her again in 1996.  We kept in touch off and on for the past 20+ years.  

When Dottie was single and lived in Massachusetts in the late 1990's, not too far from the New Hampshire border, my wife and I were able to get together with her for dinner.  Good laughter ensued as my wife learned about what I was really like while at HHS (we won't revisit THAT description here)!

As I said, Dottie was one very nice person -- a heart of gold.   My condolences to her hsuband, David Larkins, their children and step-children, and grandchildren.

RIP, Dottie.  Thanks for being part of my life and allowing me to be a part of yours... 


bob (HHS63)

06/30/18 12:13 PM #74    


Barry Kanefsky

Hi everybody!

Where is everyone?! This forum doesn’t have much activity  what is everyone up to?  I am happy, healthy andd busy here in Colorado still working  full time-i love it!

Is there a reunion in the works?



07/02/18 05:56 PM #75    

Barry Ergang

The e-book site is holding its annual Summer/Winter Sale, which runs from July 1st through the 31st. Participating authors lower the prices on their works for the month. (Three of mine are free year-round.) I'm participating, as I usually do, and although my offerings are not exorbitantly-priced to begin with, I'm reducing their prices for the sale period. They include a locked-room mystery novelette; a parody/pastiche of multi-award-winning science fiction author Mike Resnick's novel The Soul Eater; a collection of humorous stories loaded with word-play, especially puns; a fantasy story for children; a dystopian comedy; a hardboiled Hanukkah tale; and a story of workplace revenge. The link to my author page is (Scroll down to the Full Search list to see the various titles.)

Unlike Amazon, Smashwords allows authors to determine the size of their works' samplings, and I've been pretty generous in that respect so potential purchasers can get a decent idea of what's ahead before they buy. Should you decide to acquire and read any of my items, as I (obviously) hope some of you will, please post on-site comments/reviews once you've read them regardless of whether you love them, hate them, or react somewhere in between.

If you decide to explore the site to see what others are offering, check out the works of my friends Kevin Tipple and Earl Staggs.
Thanks for wading through this post.





05/31/19 03:36 PM #76    

Barry Ergang



06/01/19 07:05 AM #77    

Michael Muderick

If you are a WHHS alumnus, and are in the area on December 6, note that there will be a celebration at the High School of WHHS^ 70th anniversary.  I was at the 60th and it was great.  Mark the date.


07/03/19 06:13 PM #78    

Barry Ergang

Post-wise, things have certainly slowed down here during the past year, so I sincerely hope the slowdown is not a portent regarding any of our classmates' conditions.  

I'm here--clearly not for the first time, and probably to some of the internal and/or external groans of those reading this if they've even done so--to alert the leisure readers among you aware that is once again running it's July-long e-book "Summer/Winter" Sale, and that I am among those participating (otherwise you wouldn't be reading this shamelessly self-promoting message). In any event, you might want to check out the works of a multitude of other authors in a multitude of categories, many of whom are, like me, offering some of their works at lowered prices or, in some cases, for free. Don't hesitate to rate and respond to those works you read, whether your reactions are positive, negative, or somewhere in-between.

Thank you, stay well--and as of this posting, have a great July 4th, 2019. 

12/21/19 06:23 PM #79    

Barry Ergang

Apropos of nothing in particular, I wonder if there are aspects of ageing someperhaps allof you hate as much as I do. For instance, and for more than a few years now, I've noticed (unavoidably) that after each birthday I discover aches and pains in places I didn't know I had. 

Another thing I really hate is shrinking. Yes, physically losing height. I used to be 5' 8½" tall. A couple of years ago (give or take a month or few) at a medical appointment, it was determined I was down to 5'6" and change. A few weeks, ago as of this writing, it was determined I'm just under 5'6".

Shortly thereafter I spoke to a good friend I've kept in touch with since my college days, a man who is only a couple of months older and who was always an inch or so shorter than I. He's shrunk down to 5'5". I told him that, if we continue at this rate and live long enough, we'll both qualify for membership in the Lollipop Guild.  


To those who've read this far, I know what you're thinking: Hallejujah! he hasn't said anything about the availability of his published work. Well, kids, it's early yet. is holding its annual year-end sale running from December 25th through January 1st, and I'm participating. So if you need some post-holiday leisure reading or a belated digital gift, consider my stuff or that of many others.

Whatever you do, have a safe, happy and healthy Hanukkah and/or Christmas and a great new year.



04/07/20 09:56 AM #80    


Bob Schaumann '63 (HHS63 Reunion Committee)

Hi Everyone,

It was nearly two years ago that I posted a message on this Forum to let everyone know that one of your classmates, Dottie Winther, had passed away.  Yet, the "Memory Page" still does not include her name.

A favor.... would whoever is the HHS64 website administrator insert Dottie's name in your "Memory Page"?  

Dottie was a wonderful person, and I was saddened to learn of her passing -- even came down to Philly from New Hampshire to participate in her family's "Celebration of Life." (Yes, Dottie and I dated when I was a senior.)

Hoping all are navigating the shoals of this COVID19 pandemic.  There IS light at the end of the tunnel... good health and many good years to all of you!

bob (HHS63 Reunion Committee)

06/03/20 09:13 AM #81    

Barry Ergang

I must sadly report that our friend and classmate Michael Muderick passed away on May 31st. Mike was one of the very good guys, and will be missed.


08/20/20 11:37 AM #82    


Greg Plank

Sad to see classmates passing. We were young not that long ago. Dolly the Therapy  dog and I have been visiting senior and memory care faciites for the past year or so. Since March they have shut down all visitations because of Covid 19. It is so sad to talk to some of the seniors we have met. They are lonely and basically in solitary confinement. If you know any seniors in care facilities, give them a call or send them a card. In their situation little human things mean a lot.

08/21/20 08:03 AM #83    


Diane Spiller (Baier)


Greg, This is a wonderful thing you are doing.  I worked at Fox Chase Cancer Center; they have a group that go around with their therapy dogs & it really puts a special spot in the patient's day. My heart breaks for those Seniors for whatever reason could no longer remain in their home around friends & family.

I think we are all at an age now where the thoughts of our life & the days we have lived & have left does periodically pass in our thoughts.  I do know when we were young the years of life ahead seemed like forever, but looking back at this point it has been a flash.  Stay well & stay safe.  Diane Baier (Spiller)



08/21/20 05:48 PM #84    


Greg Plank


Thanks Diane for your response and what you have done for the Seniors.It is sad that they may spend their last days away from home and friends. As to us, it has been a good trip and we are still able to enjoy each day. As Jimmy Buffett sings, "the years don't get longer they get shorter." All the more reason to put it all into each day. Stay well...if we can just learn to live and love like the good dogs.

11/07/23 02:05 PM #85    

Barry Ergang

The Perp Wore Pumpkin is a new anthology of humorous crime and mystery short stories centered on and around Thanksgiving, one of which I wrote (but buy a copy anyway  😉). Available in your choice of paperback or epub, 100% of the proceeds from sales go to Second Harvest Food Banks around the country. Help feed those in need while gifting yourself and/or others with an entertaining read. For more details and to place an order, go to
And please spread the word to family, friends, and co-workers. Second Harvest is a charity worthy of support.

11/01/24 04:01 PM #86    


Bob Schaumann '63 (HHS63 Reunion Committee)

Hi Class,

Many times during our journey through life we reflect on those who somehow impacted/influenced us along the way.  For some of us, it was our teachers within the Haverford school system.

At last year's 60th Class of 1963 Reunion in October, we were privileged to invite John and Rosemarie Trainer as our guests.  For those not in the HHS band, Mr. Trainer was our band director and teacher.

We were blessed with many good teachers (including Rudolf Tecco, Orchestra), as well as John Trainer.  Paul Fink, the choral director, was another fine teacher who demanded excellence. We didn't make noise; we made damn good music, and if you played in these ensembles, I am sure you will agree!  

For this reason, we capitalized on the opportunity during our reunion luncheon to THANK Mr. Trainer for being an exceptional conductor and teacher.   We know he was touched, as Rosemarie, his wife, sent me a letter that said so.  Although it was sixty years in coming, I'm glad we did this. 

Mr. Trainer was appreciative of the recognition; he even got up from the table and led us in the singing of our Alma Mater.   Ninety-three years old... and one of the very few teachers who were still with us in 2023. 

Sadly, I received a message from Rosemarie that Mr. Trainer passed away a few days ago.  I won't share the entire message (it was lengthy), but I wanted to share the gist of it with you.

Hello Bob,

We often and proudly talked about your happy class reunion and you honoring him.  Today, I have to tell you that John died on the 29th very peacefully at Bryn Mawr Hospital.  After being hospitalized for two weeks with heart challenges that he could not overcome, he just fell asleep.  For us it was so quick, but he is with his Lord.  We miss him terribly. 

The service will be on November 14th at 1:00pm at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church in Bryn Mawr.  I would love for you to contact some of your graduating class [to let them know].  

With love and gratitude,

   Rosemarie Trainer, Vera, Mark, and Ellen

I was deeply saddened to learn of Mr. Trainer's passing.  If you were a member of the HHS band, I hope you will reflect on the good memories of Tuesday and Thursday practices, practicing on the football field ("eight steps for each five yards), the exchange concerts with Bethesda, the word "raunchy" (you had to be IN the band to understand that word), great concerts, and the fun we had.

Thank you, John. 



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