In Memory

Theodore Michael Miller

Theodore Michael Miller

We have found a deceased record for Ted on August of 2012.  We have no information other than that.  If anyone has more , please let us know

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09/14/18 09:54 AM #1    

Steve Schley

Sadly I have found that Ted passed away in 2012.  I talked to his sister Margie in 2008 but had not seen Ted since we graduated,  He was still living in the family house on Byron off of Kelly hill.

Me and Ted were pretty good friends my Freshman year.  He did not live too far from me and had a weird sense of humor that  I found funny.  Because of his physical imparement he was shy around many and may not have been as socially adept as he would have liked.

With the time devoted to my sports and my working evening  during HS we did not hang out much after that year.  I feel bad about that today, I hope that was the real reason for myself.

His sister Margie was a freshman our Senior year and I felt like her big brother in many ways and very protective of her.   I have since lost contact with her and cannot refind her.

This is to his memory and I am glad to have been his friend.


09/15/18 02:11 PM #2    

Joseph Worthington

I remember Ted from drama class with Mr. Wilson. We were not real close but he was a likeable guy.  Rest in peace, Ted.


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