Highland Park High School
FLORA's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Sep 19, 2022 at 1:33 AM
Posted on: May 24, 2022 at 3:49 AM
Mardi....wow....you DO look terrific.....and happy birthday to all those classmates I missed cuz I don't sign in on a regular basis. I did my first out of town trip last week...almost everyone else I know has travelled but I am such a wuss that it took me this long to just get outta town...just a quick trip to Seattle but I felt like I had busted out of prison...
These recent comments are so much fun to
read. We are not done yet and still out there
Hi Flora, Sounds like you'll be having a great time on your birthday this year. I remember you well and your Highwood friends. Mardi (Jones) Johnston and I stay in touch although thousands of miles apart. You and I are almost neighbors as I live in Boise ID...when you retire - again - drop a note and maybe your travels will bring you this way - but no boat !! I was in the band if that helps to jog any memory of me.....Happy Birthday