In Memory


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10/04/21 10:39 AM #1    

Kathy Clayton

Lamar Wells was killed in an auto accident while serving an LDS Mission in Australia.  He was the first of our class in our ward to leave on a mission.  

11/04/21 09:59 AM #2    

Terry Coult (Coult)

Kathy thank you posting.  I cannot think about my days without thinking of LaMar.  Those memoires also included Randy Stevens and Bob Timmerman.  All three were football teammates and friends. We shared many "advantues" together on and off the field. Sad that all three passed far too early.  

12/04/21 09:43 AM #3    

James Roe

Wow Kathy, that sure brought back a memory. I was in the same mission field with Lamar and I distinctly remember how it affected me. Great guy and really do miss him.

13/04/21 08:06 PM #4    

Dorine Currey (Rivers)

I remember LaMar Wells all too well as he is the source of massive ongoing guilt for the last 50 years.

The last week of our science class together we were dissecting nightcrawler worms and LaMar was my science partner. I bet him $5 he didn’t have the guts to eat one of the worms. Well, knowing LaMar, he couldn’t resist the challenge, so he swallowed one of the live worms… without chewing! Nobody in the classroom could believe it! I told him he had squarely won the bet and I would bring the money to school the next day.

But the next day LaMar was not at school… he was home sick! I felt bad I had goaded him into eating the worm, plus to add to my guilt he wasn’t at school so I couldn’t pay him the $5.

He did come back to school a day or so later, but by then all of us seniors were caught up in graduation preparation, and the settling of the bet was set aside for more urgent matters… such as finally getting out of high school and launched into our newly-acquired adult lives.

The summer passed and I didn’t see LaMar at all, and then he was off on his mission. When he was tragically killed, I not only had deep sorrow for his family and friends and the loss we all felt but GUILT that I still owed him $5! How will I pay him now?

It has haunted me for 50 years!

LaMar buddy, I know you are reading this… seriously, when I get there where you are I really will buck up… my IOU has no expiration date!

What’s the interest on $5 over 50 years compounded by the reinvested interest? I think I’m in trouble.

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