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Shannon (Kathy Huey) (Blanchard)
Eva Nell Adams
Jack Adams
Marvin Thomas Adams
Juanda Rose Alexander (Bryan)
Eva Lou Allen (Ray)
Joel Almquist
Mark G. Anthony
Laura Louise Asbeck (Whiteley)
Freida Louise Ashford
Saundra Lee Astramovich (Sellers)
Paul Roland Avenell
John Lee Aycock
Wendell Ray Bagwell
Bobby Bailey
Ruthie Dean Bailey (Scheiffele)
Weldon Bailey
Bobby Baker
Pat Barnes
David Dearll Barnett
Patricia Barrett (Mann)
Gary Ray Bauerkemper
Elizabeth Louise Bennett (Painter)
Martha Bennett (Gladden)
George Herman Berry
Johnny Lee Best
Ann Louise Bilbro (Ewing)
James Boyd
Rex Brown
Joe Bruley
Lucille Burns (Moss)
Marvin Carley
Judy Carrell
Catherine Castoria (Contello)
Cecil Page Chapman
Diana Clark (Lovelady)
Janet Clayton (Sanders)
Margaret Clepper (Duncan)
Deanna J. Cleveland (Johnson-HA…)
Nancy Clevenger (Michel)
Ron Coffee
Henry Lafayette Conner
Marie Cooke (Hawkins)
Jimmy Cowart
Joyce Ann Cowart
Durwood Mitchell Dancer
Judith Elaine Davis
Robert Davison
Jerry Diver
Jackie Divono (Wadsworth)
Judy Downey (Perry)
James A. Drake
Edward King Dunaway
Judith Dunson (Satterwhite-…)
William Edmonds
Janice C. Evans
Yvonne Fowler
Carolyn Francis (Fowler)
Janie French
Shirley Ann Gaines (Overturff)
Everett Edwin "Ed" Gayle
David Cody Gibbons
Don Gibbons
Naomi L. Gilbert (Posey)
Pat Gortemiller (Herron)
Leon Lee GOULD, Jr.
Shannon Hamby
Wiley Anton Hamilton
Karen Hatler (Napier)
Pam Henley (Crockett)
Lucian Hewgley
Brice Hill
Lamarr Hirsch
Howard Ray Holder
Sharon Hubbard (Elliot)
Patricia A. Hunt/Barnes
Peggy Ann Johnson
Rebecca (Becky) Johnson (Manferd)
Ronnie Ray Johnson
Jasper Jones
Lloyd W. Jones
Edwina Sue KAUHS
Ted Kendrick
Dorothy Arlean Keng
Carl Kent
Shirley Klopf
Diane Krimmel (Tyra)
Gwendolyn Lem (Boucher)
Elliott (Manny) Manferd
Jerry Martin
Kenneth Ray Marx
Carolyn Ann Massey
Linda McBride (Sherbert)
Marilyn McKown (Larison)
Louis E. Messer
Robert Trigg Montgomery
Frederick Percy Morrill
Kathleen (Kathy) Norred
Gene Oliver
Karl Overturff
Robert Winston Owens
Earl Cleave Parker
Jon Peterson
Karlene Potter
Sharon Sue Redden
Glydwell Ann Reese
Betty Reno
Rayburn Henry Rich
Gladys Richardson (Houghton)
Kathleen Roderick
Gary Ross
Robert (Bob) Russom
Shiela Ann Safford (Davis)
VAN M. Scanlan
Beverly J. Schneider (Hall)
Richard P. Segura
Leon Selph
Marie Smotek
Paul Anthony Spinella
Caroline Standley (Kelley)
Dale Staner
Claude Thomas Steiner
Alan Stephen (Richmond)
Pat Stockton (Hossain)
Sandra Streeter
Karen Suber (Gray)
Leo Thomas
Gloria Turner (Morrill)
Marilyn Vandel (Schempf)
Grady Sharon Voigt (McIntosh)
Saundra Allan Voigt (Hicks)
Sue Webster (Ramin)
Richard Wessinger
Helen Whigham (Wilkie)
Carolyn Anne Whitt (Sierra)
Ruth Wiggins (Kroll)
Judith L. Williams
Nellawyn Willis (Scott)
Kathleen Wilson (James)