Prayer Requests
Please place a prayer request for Linda Marchese Schulle, class of '74.Linda is battling breast cancer which has spread to her bones. She is undergoing extensive treatment and is a fighter with a angelic positive spirit. We ask your help in joining with her classmates and friends to pray for God to watch over and continue positive results with the treatments.
March 2012-Please pray for Donnie Hooper from the 65 class. He has had a major stroke and lives with his wife in Mississippi. Please keep them both in your prayers.
May 2011-Sons of Marvin Wright, Sergeant Jordan Wright and Staff Sergeant Samuel Wright, left this week for Afghanistan and indeed are on the ground now. Please pray for my two warriors as they spend the next year away from their families. Also please pray for their wives and children. The wives of our servicemen are truly heroes and bear the brunt of raising a family alone.
November 2010-John Davis is also in Memorial City/Memorial Hospital off I - 10 West, suffering from several health issues. Please keep him in your prayers.
November 2010-Please keep Dickie Hartis70 in your prayers as he battles cancer.
November-2010...please remember '66 Miller Edward ED/EDDIE Basye, his wife Bonnie, his daughter, Sarah and his extended family '66Alice Martin Quint. Yesterday the 26th of November was his birthday...he was 63....he is stable now and holding his own at Fort Sam Houston Military Hospital in SanAntonio after a heart attack he suffered several days ago....
the most recent email from his sister-in-law, '66 Alice Martin Quint
I am sending a good report on Ed Basye. He is holding his own. They moved him from CCU to ICU and if he continues to improve he will be moved to a regular room. They took the IV's off yesterday and he is breathing ok. They have him regulated. They finally got his blood pressure leveled to normal. He has the left side of the heart is dead and no blood flow. There is only 3/4 of the right side of the heart that is working with some blood flow. He is holding his own. Prayers are being answered to spare his life for a little while longer. I want to thank each of you for your prayers and concern.
God Bless and have a Great Thanksgiving. Our family has somethng to be thankful about. That is sparing
Eddie's life for a little longer.
June 25, 2010, Don Nicholds fell in the carport and broke both bones in his lower right leg and his knee cap. He is in Saint Joseph Hospital in Bryan where he will undergo surgery tomorrow on the current broken bones and problems on the left leg he broke in 2005 which is held together by plates and pins. Don and family could use your prayers and support. son Shelby's wife Apple has been in BangkokThailand for the last 8 months trying to get paperwork & clearance to adopt and bring back to Houston.....her niece....Mok....
the fragile political system in Bangkok has worsened & deteriorated greatly in the last few wks with this being the news of there is much blood flowing in the streets......
Apple and Mok live only about 20 minutes from this fighting that is going on in citycenter Bangkok...
...could you all please pray for safety for them and Apple's family and especially Mok's sister & brothers that will be left behind in Bangkok.....and that Apple will be successful thru all of this in obtaining release for herself and Mok to leave and come back to Houston for a new life for Mok....
.....thanks ahead of time to all of you for thinking of us...Paula Norris Pierce
04-05-2010 Please keep Bella (Linda) Curtis67 who owns My Dee Dee's Pie Shoppe on Gulf Bank Road in your prayers. She lost her son last week.
March 2010-Just would like to have all who know me to keep me in there prayers..I'm scheduled to have surgery on March 31, 2010 at the VA Hospital in Shreveport, remove half of my left lung which has a cancer...not sure what type but will know, they say, by Friday March 19th...they're biggest concern is my heart and if it can handle the surgery...God only health has been declining since my last heart surgery in time will tell...your friend...John Lucas68....
Please pray for us as we deal with the death of our son Van Holland from Lung Cancer on December 18, 2009. I would have gladly died in his place if God would have only let me. He was such a wonderful son and friend. Remember me and my husband James, and Uncles, Bill Smelley and James (Bubba) Smelley and his Aunt Judy Smelley (Enos) all Sam Houston alumni plus other family members as we grieve and come to grips with this loss.
Sadly, Shelli has passed away.
Please pray for the daughter of our 1965 classmate Linda Wiggins Windsor. Shelli was diagnosed with cancer February 13, 2007 and has been offered a new treatment. The family and close friends are asking for prayers that this will be the miracle that ...we have all been expecting God to deliver.
Check out the Caringbridge website for detailed information. The site will be updated this evening and will explain the situation in more detail.
Most importantly, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! With God's hand, nothing is impossible.
Please pray for Mel Schobel, husband of Phyles Smith67.
My husband Mario was diagnosed with cancer of the brain, lungs and bones in Dec 08. After months and months of radiation and chemo, most of the tumors are gone or have decreased in size. This Monday they will do another cat scan to see if the latest chemo is working..Please pray that the news will be good and this terrible disease is on its way out!!!!!!!!! Linda Trcalek Scamardo
Beverly Schoppe70 Tanner has been diagnosed with non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Please pray for her and Charlie.
Please pray for Butch Black's69 daughter Stacy, who has been diagnosed with cancer. Sadly, Stacy passed away April 24, 2010.
Please pray for Lanette Ballard63 Faler, ROTC sponsor, who has a malignant brain tumor.
Would you please pray for Ray & Connie (DRAKE) Runyon - Connie was diagnosed with cancer November 22, 2008 and was cancer free for about 3 to 5 months and it returned. She just completed more radiation about 2 weeks ago and will be having an MRI and Petscan Nov 2009 and will see her doctors on Dec 14, 2009. Please pray that she will receive good news from the tests. Sadly, Connie has passed away.
Please say a prayer for Glenn and Janell McCormick for the death of Glenn's dad on January 25, 2010. Both Glenn and Janell are from the class of 1963.
Please pray for Joe Oldham, class of 1966. He will be going through surgery in a couple weeks to have an unknown growth as well as a known cancer tumor removed. He needs our prayers.