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Virginia A Arthur
Virginia G. Arthur
Tommy Atkinson
Georgia Avey (Schmalriede)
Letitia Avila
Tim Bauer
Christine Bland (Safford)
Donna Butchee (Irizarry)
Mary Patricia Carmona (Carmona-…)
Jaime Carreon
Karen Childers
Larry Cloud
Iloe Collins (King)
Pam Conley (May)
Martha Davis
Michael Duke (Duke)
Michael Anthony Esparza
Ottilie Fisher (McMcann)
Cathy Garcia (Knapp)
Claude Gary
Cary Gerhart
Terrie Gorney
Donna Granger (Helmer)
Donna Granger (Helmer /Angers)
Dana Green (Walton)
Renita Gresham (Bounds)
Richelle Grissett (Askins)
Diana Gunderson (LeBlanc)
Randy Hardin
Fred Hargis
David Wayne Harris
Jimmie Russel Helmer
Sammy Hendrix (Hendrix)
Rick Hill
Marion Hixon
Darla Howe
Rodney Jacobs
Sheri Jones (McConnell)
Billy Jordan
Vera Landrum (Faulk)
Lanette Leggio (Howeth)
Marvin Marsalia
Sharon Marsalia (Stelter)
Patrick McGinty
Jerry Moore
Lisa Mora (Williams)
George Nacol
Susan Page (Hudler)
Ramona Palmer (Chastun)
Darren Partin
Georgie Patino
Tim Payne
Linda Pietrowicz (Oates)
Viola (Vicki) Prickett (Burns-Schmidt)
Tina Renfro (Wofford)
Fernando Rodriguez
Allen Roznos
Kelvin Russell
Lynn Ryno (Theis)
Adele Salas
Lynda Self (Hoot)
Nancy Margaret Shoemaker
Debbie Sims (McGee)
Raymond Smith
Vickie Spivey (Tucker)
Susan Steadman (Selig)
Betty Stzelecke (Doss)
Dennis Vanek
Deborah Vogt (Creppon)
Milton Wade
Keith Wafer
Debbie Weaver (Childs)
Judy Williams (Murray)
Donna Womack