

Forum: Whatever happened to?


Janet Beck 1970

Created on: 04/15/09 06:27 PM Views: 1810 Replies: 5
Janet Beck 1970
Posted Wednesday, April 15, 2009 01:27 PM

I would love to contact Janet Beck if anyone knows where she is. She & I worked together at Airline Cleaners during high school. She let me take my driving test in her moms enormously large car. Don't think her mom ever knew. Thank Goodness all went well and I did get my license.

Shirley Pietrowicz

RE: Janet Beck 1970
Posted Thursday, April 16, 2009 06:23 AM

I looked in her profile and we do not have a thing on her.  If you know a married name, that is helpful. 

Connie Redden69

RE: Janet Beck 1970
Posted Thursday, April 16, 2009 07:28 AM

I know nothing about Janet. Don't know if she got married.  Just hope another classmate reads this & may know more. Thanks for your reply.

Shirley Pietrowicz

RE: Janet Beck 1970
Posted Monday, July 13, 2009 09:30 AM

I noticed someone on the site that possibly was Janet's brother and I contacted him. He was Janet's brother and he provided her email address. We have been in contact and I'm trying to get her to get on the site and complete a profile. Great to connect with old friends!! Connie, this site is great....THANKS for all that you and others do to keep it going!!

Shirley Pietrowicz

RE: Janet Beck 1970
Posted Wednesday, July 15, 2009 03:59 PM

This is a funny story - like most of my life has been. Janet Beck's mom used to 'babysit' for my brother and I (if you could call it that) when I was about 8-9 yrs. old. Both of my parents worked so they had us 'stay' at the Beck's house after school until they got home at night. When I was about 8-9 years old Janet had her 3 older brothers but we were close in age (I think she was one year younger) so the older guys hang out together and Janet and I usuallly ended up playing all afternoon together.  Janet was the first girl I ever kissed (it was her idea, not mine). They lived only a few blocks from our house - one block away and parallel to Tidwell (one block from the new 'Jack In the Box' that they put in there). We had great times after school when we were in grade school. Janet and her family used to go to our church also on Tidwell a few blocks away (Bethel Baptist Church). They were a strong Christian family because of Mr. Beck. It's funny the things you remember, but Mr. Beck used to say to us ... "All the Becks have rubber necks ... and all the Reuters have big six shooters". Janet's older brother that was closest in age to my brother's class at Sam Houston - Chris Reuter ('67) - I think his name was Roger Beck, for a while dated Becky Steel (whatever happened to her"???). I saw Becky Steele at the 20 year reunion and she was at that time a model in New York I think. Anyway, I suppose you never forget your first kiss - even if you were only 8 years old ....


RE: Janet Beck 1970
Posted Wednesday, July 15, 2009 04:26 PM

Larry, this is a very sweet 'first kiss' story. Thanks for sharing.  Janet & I have been emailing for a couple of weeks, since I tracked her down through her brother, Rodger. I've been trying to convince her to join the site and fill out her profile. Not done, yet. Anyway, she's happily married, has 3 kids, 3 grandchildren and 1 on the way. Shirley.

Shirley Pietrowicz