

Forum: Reunion


Fonville Jock Reunion

Created on: 07/30/09 02:56 AM Views: 2039 Replies: 10
Fonville Jock Reunion
Posted Wednesday, July 29, 2009 09:56 PM

Hopefully the Fonville Jocks will take some photos and post them of their reunion in October.  Would be fun to see some then and now photos posted of all who attend that reunion.

RE: Fonville Jock Reunion
Posted Monday, August 3, 2009 09:10 PM


You mean they had a get together? I never knew anything about it. I played football and ran track. Did not have any pictures. Most of my pics have disappeared in all of my moves (military and personal and pastoral). Only have my 1970 yearbook to remind me of those lovely days.

Steve Shepherd

RE: Fonville Jock Reunion
Posted Monday, August 3, 2009 09:46 PM


 You mean they had a get together? I never knew anything about it. I played football and ran track. Did not have any pictures. Most of my pics have disappeared in all of my moves (military and personal and pastoral). Only have my 1970 yearbook to remind me of those lovely days.

Hi Steven - It's scheduled Oct 3 and it's for the Jocks who were there the first two years Fonville was open.  If you go to the Home Page and scroll toward the bottom, you will find the information and the names of the people they are looking for.  There is a contact person listed there as well. 
I don't know if I have any photos from my school days other than the traditional school photos.  I think I may have some photos of my school friends where we traded pictures and a few regular snap shots.  I have Mama & Daddy's photos downstairs and I guess I need to bring them up and see if Mama had any other than the yearly school photos.  I know there should be some class photos from Coop Elem.  I guess back in my days photos weren't taken like they are today.  I have tons of photos of my kids and grandkids and especially school functions for the grandkids.   Nowadays Digital makes it especially nice.  Most of them I haven't even printed, just put on CD's and made several copies of the CD's. 

RE: Fonville Jock Reunion
Posted Tuesday, August 4, 2009 04:47 AM


Guess I have not been paying much attention to a lot of things lately. Could be my meds (lol!).  I had forgotten a lot of things about the "Falcon" days. I am always in a hurry and rarely look that far down the page. I was there in the fall of 64, so I was a few years late.

Steve Shepherd

RE: Fonville Jock Reunion
Posted Tuesday, August 4, 2009 09:52 PM

Most of the time I don't read the home page either - If I recall one of the guys had mentioned it on Delphi forums a few months back (maybe longer) - Guess I just happened to decide to look at the home page one night and there was the message - Have a good one

RE: Fonville Jock Reunion
Posted Thursday, August 20, 2009 09:27 AM

connie, iam a fonville jock and i would say about half the sam jocks may have first been a fonville well back in those days most people didnt have cameras and most familys only took pictures of their familys unfortunately a lot of the jocks didnt get much family support only a small percent, we grew up in the poorer days

gary r rotola

RE: Fonville Jock Reunion
Posted Thursday, August 20, 2009 01:20 PM


connie, iam a fonville jock and i would say about half the sam jocks may have first been a fonville well back in those days most people didnt have cameras and most familys only took pictures of their familys unfortunately a lot of the jocks didnt get much family support only a small percent, we grew up in the poorer days

Film was very expensive and families didn't take a lot of pictures.  I am thinking my family went in with another and bought a a big ole camera where the photo came out and you rubbed that stuff on it and a picture magically appeared.  lol  I can't even remember what those were called. 

Connie Redden69

RE: Fonville Jock Reunion
Posted Thursday, August 20, 2009 04:21 PM

Hi Connie - Those cameras were called Polaroid Cameras - I think somewhere in this house I still have one!!!!!!!!!!!!    We used one at work up until about three years ago to do one to ones on our latent prints.   I'm not sure if you can still by the film in a regular store or not (I haven't looked) - You might still be able to buy from a specialty camera shop but don't know for sure.  It might be a special order from Polaroid even if it is still available

RE: Fonville Jock Reunion
Posted Thursday, August 20, 2009 04:31 PM


    Hi Gary -  I'm sure most of the Sam jocks did come from either Fonville or Burbank.  I remember Mama & Daddy had a boxy looking camera - think it was a Kodak - Taking pictures every day was not something that was done - Mostly taken on family vacations or family get togethers like Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I don't recall them taking any at school.  Ofcourse other than Brownies and Girl Scouts I wasn't into things at school.  School pictures were just that - those pictures taken at school each year and the class photos at elementary school.  I'm sure most of the jocks had those kind of photos taken if they still have them.  Those would be the "then" photos I am talking about (at least for Fonville) - Yearbooks would have other "then" photos for those who still have them.  I have all three of my year books plus my year book from here in Missouri.  I have found some of my school photos but have not gone thru all Mama's photos to find others. 



connie, iam a fonville jock and i would say about half the sam jocks may have first been a fonville well back in those days most people didnt have cameras and most familys only took pictures of their familys unfortunately a lot of the jocks didnt get much family support only a small percent, we grew up in the poorer days

RE: Fonville Jock Reunion
Posted Thursday, August 20, 2009 09:34 PM

Hey you guys...I was a Fonville jock...played basketball on the then small boys team we won the city championship...can't remember the year our coach was Coach Cotton...very tall man...most of the players then played basketball with me at Sam Houston...I think I may have a Fonville paper with info on it if I can find it...I also ran track..but the Football coach Redden said I was too little to play...hmmmmmmm boy did he make a mistake...Sam Houston coach Marks let me play...LOL....was a lot of fun and great memories....later keep in touch

John Lucas

RE: Fonville Jock Reunion
Posted Friday, August 21, 2009 11:45 AM


Hey John,

  Yes , they really underestimated you...I remember how many passes you could catch on the Varsity football out performed the bigger guys! I don't rember having a Fonville yearbook...did we? I do have some directories around here somewhere...

regards, Kathy Newton Courtland