

Forum: Whatever happened to?


steve crocker clas of 74

Created on: 09/22/09 04:54 PM Views: 1906 Replies: 6
steve crocker clas of 74
Posted Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:54 AM

Steve passed away on sunday 9-20-09...Some of our classmates are trying to find some info and arrangements and what happened



karen (tilley) burnett

RE: steve crocker clas of 74
Posted Thursday, September 24, 2009 08:47 AM

Steve had a heart attack on Sunday night.


Viewing is tonight at Resthaven on I45 at Rankin 5 - 8 are tomorrow, Friday 9/25 at 2:30.


Pamela Crocker



RE: steve crocker clas of 74
Posted Thursday, September 24, 2009 08:52 AM

My prayers are with the family..I know that this a terrible loss. Keep the faith

RE: steve crocker clas of 74
Posted Thursday, September 24, 2009 09:17 AM


  Was Steve the son of Oneal and Eva Crocker? My father and Oneal Crocker were very close friends in the late 50"s until my fathers death in 1961. I am so very sorry for your loss and we will keep your family in our prayers.

                                                                 Linda Youngblood Gunnels

Edited 09/24/09 09:18 AM
RE: steve crocker clas of 74
Posted Thursday, September 24, 2009 09:28 AM

Linda, yes, Steve was the son of O'Neal and Eva Crocker...their middle son......I was married to O'Neal II for 37 years...lost him in 2007 to leukemia.....

RE: steve crocker clas of 74
Posted Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:04 PM


 I am sorry to hear about your husband Oneal passing away. I remember him well. We lived on the corner of O'Donnell and Rittenhouse. I owned the Beauty Shop that was on the corner by my house. I did Eva 's hair for a long time before we moved from there in 1978. Is Eva still living?


RE: steve crocker clas of 74
Posted Friday, September 25, 2009 08:25 AM


Eva died in 2006.........she had a heart attack getting into bed one evening.  She hadn't been sick.  I remember when you did her hair.  I still miss her........

