Profile Updated: August 2, 2020
Class Year: 1967
Residing In: Glen Burnie, MD USA
Spouse/Partner: Bill Cavey
Occupation: writer (of grant proposals) and community outreach
Children: Tristan (born June 25, 1975). Thankfully, he moved back to Maryland from Virginia before the COVID virus More…hit!
Yes! Attending Reunion
What elementary school(s)did you attend?

Needville Elementary, Needville, Texas

What Jr High (s) did you attend?

Burbank Jr. High

What street(s) did you grow up on?


Do you or your family still live or own your house that you grew up in?


Do you see or hang out with any class mates? Who?

I wish I could! Let me know if anyone has moved to Maryland!

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I lived in Somalia in East Africa for a year in the early 70's-a wonderful, life-changing experience.

I'm not as quiet as I was in high school. In fact, before the pandemic part of my job until this year was outreach to the community and doing a lot of networking for Langton Green, a great nonprofit that helps adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Where was your favorite HS hangout?

'don't really remember. I was such a "mouse" --I didn't get out much! Actually, some of my favorite memories were hanging out with ROTC buddies at football games (I was a sponsor) and during our ROTC class period. I also liked working at my high-school job at the Northline Cinema movie theater.

List your siblings and year.


School Story:

I remember once one of our ROTC friends, Raymond Lew, had won an award for being an outstanding ROTC cadet in 5 states. Very shortly thereafter we ROTC folks were at a football game and it was raining buckets and we were all huddled under the bleachers getting hopelessly soaked. Someone congratulated Raymond about being outstanding. At that point Charles Munden said, "Well yeah, OUT STANDING IN THE RAIN! You had to have been there, but it was a great time. We laughed and laughed.I wonder what happened to Charlie?

What and where was your 1st job? Do you remember how much you were paid?

Northline Cinema Theater-75 cents per hour!

Favorite Quote

"We can do no great things--only small things with great love"--Mother Teresa of Calcutta.


"You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas."--Davy Crockett

Ever been on TV? Tell us all about it.

I worked at Maryland Public television as a grant writer for a while, but I remained the nerdy writer behind the scenes with absolutely no desire to be anywhere else!!!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to have friends visit and give them tours of Washington, D.C. and Maryland. I love to do very simple things like taking walks and reading, reading, reading. Before the pandemic, my husband and I took day trips to Maryland and Virginia at least once a month. WELCOME TO ALL CLASSMATES WHO WOULD LIKE TO VISIT MARYLAND.

Name something you dearly love. and why?

I dearly love my "lot in life"-with wonderful relatives and friends, good health, and a very simple and uncomplicated lifestyle.


I'm still a bookworm like I was in high school, but I branched out a little!

Any words of wisdom?

I'm not wise, but I would say "Enjoy the simple pleasures." I call myself The Queen of Simple Pleasures. I got excited when the public library re-opened via curbside pickup of books!

Is there a moment in your life that stands out? A moment that defines who you are? Other than kids being born or your wedding day.

Living in Somalia stands out--also experiences like going to Philadelphia several years ago and seeing the Pope when he visited.

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Posted: Aug 02, 2020 at 11:11 AM