Profile Updated: January 7, 2011
Class Year: 1974
Residing In: Klein, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Gary Tafolla
Occupation: Senior Energy Account Executive
Children: Blake - age 32
Brooke - age 29
Brittany - age 27
Blaine - age 22
Yes! Attending Reunion
What elementary school(s)did you attend?


What Jr High (s) did you attend?


Do you see or hang out with any class mates? Who?

Gary Tafolla - spouse
Gailyn Gustafson Sanderson
Ronnie Epps

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I graduated from Houston Baptist University and have 4 children and have worked for the past 35 years in the same industry.

Where was your favorite HS hangout?

Church - Little York Baptist Church

Diary Queen
Pizza Inn or Pizza Hut

List your siblings and year.

Patsy Griffin Holmes - 1971 graduate

Famous or interesting people you've met?

George Lucas
