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06/29/08 09:12 PM #75    

Eric Hoffman

To Everyone:
While I was in Williamsport I ran into Mr. Casale (Spanish teacher, for those who don't know) at his restaurant, The Triangle Tavern. He looks great, is doing well and asked me to pass on his best wishes to everyone. In the midst of our revelry last night, that slipped my mind. It was great seeing everyone again and, while I'll probably be in Iraq again when the 25 year comes around, I'm looking forward to the 30th.

06/30/08 11:08 AM #76    

Sandra McKenna (Phillips)

Okay....I'll speak for the rest of us who could not attend the reunion....SPILL THE DIRT! We are anxiously awaiting some great stories, interesting insights, and of course wild happenings from those of you that were there.

Looks like it was a great time, everyone smiling and happy! That's wonderful to see. More pics and more info, please.

So you've been given a day of recuperation, driving/flying home, etc. This week is the time to get online and provide the rest of us with all the different perspectives of the night.


(And Eric, I pray that you are NOT in Iraq again and will be enjoying a toast with all of us "to another 25 years!")

06/30/08 03:42 PM #77    

Kelley McCoy (DeWald)

Well-I am sitting here getting ready to download all of my pictures from the reunion and I want all of you to know that I had a wonderful time seeing everyone. I wish more of you could have made it, but I understand how busy everyones lives our. Hopefully for our 25th, we will have an even bigger turn out. It was a fantastic time and hopefully from my pictures, you can see that a great time was had by all! Take care and keep in touch! Kelley

Eric--hopefully I will see you at our 25 and Iraq will not be ruling your life then.....

06/30/08 06:10 PM #78    

Amy Shaner (Rogers)

Ditto to all that Kelley and Eric said about a great time at the reunion. It was so nice seeing everyone and catching up on all of our busy lives. I would say that the Hiawatha was the best time, but I had such a great time at Lycoming as well. Hopefully our 25th will be just as memorable as an event! Thank you to all that attended and made the night so enjoyable and for those of you that couldn't be here, we will all need to keep the website up and running. This is such a great opportunity for us all to keep in touch. Take care all and keep in touch!

Kel - get those pictures updated!
Eric - I pray that your Iraq trip gets canceled and I did not get a chance to thank you for all of your service to our country. Take care and God Bless.
Sandra - would love to share stories but what happens on the Hiawatha...stays on the Hiawatha!

06/30/08 06:12 PM #79    

Margie Koch

I knew it would be a fun night, but the whole event exceeded my expectations!! There were several people I meant to have real conversations with that I didn't actually get to, but thats all the more reason to plan a 25th, right? I didn't know I had it in me to stay up until 4:00am (the post-post party), since I often get up up at 5:30am. I still have it in me I guess...but boy am I paying for it...
I was totally impressed how we have all turned into responsible fine adults, but also still have the capacity to behave like 18 yr. olds. I hope we never lose that!! I had no camera that night, so keep the pictures coming...

06/30/08 09:26 PM #80    

Krista Paternostro

Hi everyone! I wanted to let you know that I posted some pictures from Saturday night under my profile. I did not know how to upload them into the album (help Ron!). I invite you to log in and check them out. I left my camera in the car at the Hiawatha, which could have been a good thing! It was great to see everyone, and hope that we can all out-do ourselves at the 25th. Enjoy!

07/01/08 10:54 AM #81    

Tracy Houseknecht (Lunger)

Thanks to everyone who had a part in planning the activities for Saturday night! It was a great time! How can you ever plan something for the 25th that was as great as this one?

07/01/08 11:17 AM #82    

Kelley McCoy (DeWald)

I have added some additional pictures to my profile because like Krista, I don't know how to get them on the reunion photo area...(help Ron!) I am sure Ron will move them over soon....I have some more that I will add, but I am off to get kids from soccer camp. Talk to you all soon.

07/06/08 10:57 PM #83    

Tracy Houseknecht (Lunger)

Just wanted all of you to know that the picnic at Montoursville Park is cancelled. Lack of interest prompts this cancellation.

07/09/08 11:53 PM #84    

Michael Turi

Bravo to the planning committee! The reunion was a great time. Cindy and I really enjoyed getting together with everyone both Friday and Saturday night, so we are definitely looking forward to the 25th. All in due time though...not in any hurry to be 43! We are going to try to make it back next summer, so we will hopefully see some of you then.

07/10/08 02:23 PM #85    

Corey Bowman (Stever)

Margie - I always talk about that horrible cat dissection over lunch - especially with Josh dissecting creatures this past year. I still have a hard time with cold turkey in the salad bar. Yuck! I didn't know Mrs. Lander's past on. Sad to hear.

I so remember synchronized swimming!!! I remember I couldn't make a lot of the practices and you, Beth, and Crystal telling me which way to go and what to do in the final show! Hysterical.

Everyone - so sorry we were unable to attend the reunion. Looks like it was so much fun. Hope to see you all at #25!

08/03/08 11:55 AM #86    

Lenny Filipkowski

All, I feel so bad that I missed the reunion. It looks and sounds like it was a great time. I am really looking forward to the 25th (but same feelings as Mike about getting that much older).

I do think you all need to put up just a few more tid bits of dirt for those of who did not make it, you can even fib a little just to make us a bit more jealous that we where not there.

Eric, I would also like to say that I hope you are able to make the 25th.

Theresa, I truly hope your final days over in Iraq go quick and you get home soon so you can make the 25th as well.

09/09/08 08:41 PM #87    

Christine Robbins (Nearhoof)

I just read an obituary for a Gary D. Walk and I think it is the Mr. Walk we had. He was only 55 and was in a long term care facility (cancer I think, how sad).
I know some of you had vivid memories of him.
His obit. said he was a big athlete back in his day
as well as a teacher, and a stock broker.
Just FYI.

09/30/08 02:53 PM #88    

Wendy Cranmer (Shaner)

I had so much fun at the reunion that i think 5 YEARS is to long to waite to see everyone again and have fun !!!! well everyone keep in touch !!! wendy

12/24/08 02:09 PM #89    

Bryon May


03/11/09 11:47 AM #90    

Kathy Reed (Pentz)

Hi everyone. For all of those that don't know alot of us is on facebook. Everyone will have to check it out. As for missing classmates. Jennie Beckman live at Beaver Lake but I don't know her address and she doesn't have email. She isn't married either. I work with her sister. She says hi to all.

03/20/09 12:12 PM #91    

Wendy Cranmer (Shaner)

Hello is was talking to some other class mates and i said 5 years was to long to waite to see everyone again ??? if anyone is interested in getting together sooner please let me know thanks !!! wendy

03/20/09 01:29 PM #92    

Sandra McKenna (Phillips)

I think that would be great Wendy. And for those of us that didn't make the 20th, it would be our reunion! We travel to PA about every other summer. So that would be 2010. We usually come up during Fair week (July - which is why we missed the reunion). Sure wish you had it then but it's usually scheduled in June or August (bummer). We take the kids to Knoebel's, the Fair, World's End, Lake Jean, etc. It's a "see how your parents grew up?" week for them. LOL Otherwise....maybe we'll see you all at #25!

03/21/09 09:22 PM #93    

Amy Shaner (Rogers)

I am in with Wendy and Sandra. I am game for a summer 09 get together! Count me in....sounds like a great time!

05/19/09 04:15 PM #94    

Bryon May

Count me in!!

02/06/10 07:29 PM #95    

Kelly Whitmoyer (Makowski)

Let me know Wendy if you decide anything.

02/20/11 12:58 PM #96    

Kim Getz

hey everybody.  wow lots of chatter then nothing. i am just sitting here on a sunday waiting for my son to return home from storm work in harrisburg. myself, Jo, my son Brian and his girlfriend are going to be heading to a movie then off to eat at cracker barrel.  love their food. yummmmm. but anyway everybody does not have to stop writing just because we are midway between reunions. and yes it was a great time by the way, the 20th that is.  it was great to see everybody and missed all of those who could not or chose not to show up. i have run into some classmates who did not graduate for what ever reasons, and they say they can not come to a reunion because they did not graduate. so would someone like to chime in on that and let us know what is poiltically correct. weather they can or can not attend.  you know while reading all of the messages and hearing so many good things about michael H. it makes me wonder why on earth we can't tell people those things while they are alive. it may save people from feeling so down and hating themselves and or others so much. we all need to teach our children and then our grandchildren not to hate people for who they are but to embrace the good things in people. i reamber so so so many fights or almost fights protecting mike, and others who did not score high enough on the popularity chart. not all things are choices in life,especially for young people and they should not be held accountable for something they can not controll. Ok enough mumble jumble. but hope all is well out there with all of my 88 mates. enjoy, summer will be here soon enough.  


04/25/13 09:44 PM #97    

Margie Koch

Hey guys!  For anyone that didn't get the word, we are working hard to get together a 25th reunion for this summer, July 20th.  We will be posting more info soon...


06/20/13 07:32 PM #98    

Joe Stryker

come on you one else is going to do the 5K??? you can walk it for crying out loud!! so far only two people have signed would have a good chance of winningsmiley  it will be good to see you spartans again

07/01/13 04:47 PM #99    

Chris Kiess (Force)


Just registered for the 25th reunion and am so excited to see everyone again!  Looking forward to seeing friends I haven't seen in ages!

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