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07/29/19 12:41 AM #804    


Donna B Bass (Scroggins)

Hey classmates!  So glad to visit virtually at 45th class reunion! Loved GHS 1974! You can follow Stan and my journey in the Philippines by checking out That is our website, and you can scroll down on website to leave your email to receive a monthly newsletter. All is going great, see lots of you on Facebook.  Love Donna B Scroggins P.S. will be in Huntsville next spring, 2020! Will try to contact some gradsof to get a group together!





07/29/19 03:13 PM #805    


Steve Williams

It was wonderful to connect again at the 45th reunion! Many thanks to all of you who invested so much time and effort to pull this off. Looking forward to our 50th! Steve Williams

08/24/19 11:03 AM #806    


Ruth Garcia (Osborne-Hess)

Hello!  If you want to hear about and see photos of the 45th Reunion.and our classmates, the best place is on Facebook.





08/24/19 11:05 AM #807    


Ruth Garcia (Osborne-Hess)

Another place to see classmates (not just class of 74) is also on Facebook..

08/24/19 11:10 AM #808    


Ruth Garcia (Osborne-Hess)

Memorial video shown at the Reunion:

And video montage of those who attended the 45th Reunion (not pics from the reunion, but pics submitted or from their FB:

08/24/19 11:17 AM #809    


Ruth Garcia (Osborne-Hess)

Donna and Stan, Steve and Rita, so cool to connect real time thousands of miles away!  Good to see yall at the Reunion, literally.  Yall look great!  Thanks for losing sleep from your time zones to call in to us! 

Dan Wallace, Rick Yantzi, and Joan Shearer... So good to see yall too in your home settings!

If anyone else called in, I missed them.  But hopefully everyone calling in was able to visit with the other callers too!  I thought that feature was pretty cool!

Thanks to Lane and Jeana Sowell Boggs for making technology work for our class!





10/30/20 10:57 AM #810    


Mike Weesner

Hello Classmates of 1974,

I regret to inform you all that Rick Russell Anglen passed away in February. Rick's name in high school was Rick Russell but he changed his name to Anglen after high school. His wife, Rhonda, had been trying to get in touch with me since May and I finally talked to her a couple months ago. Rick was the father of four children, three boys and a girl and their names all started with the letter R. They were Ryan, Riley, Ross and Reanna. Rick had I believe three grandchildren as well. Rick and his brother Jimmy owned Russell Brothers auto electric over by service merchandise at one time. I believe Jimmy is still there and he still owns it. Rick was a good friend, a lifelong friend and it was good to see and catch up with him at the 40th reunion. 

Ricky Shrout or JD, if you need to get in touch with Rhonda for more details please send me an email and I'll give you her contact information.
Thanks Mike Weesner

10/30/20 01:20 PM #811    


Mike Weesner

I forgot to mention Rick Anglen died of Crohn's disease. He was in great shape at the 40th reunion.

10/31/20 09:40 AM #812    


George Hamilton

Thanks for letting us know Mike.  I was in Boy Scouts with both Rick and Jim, and their dad was one of the assistant scoutmsters.  Great times.

11/03/20 08:36 AM #813    


Jimmy Record

I am so glad I got to spend some time with him at our 40th class reunion speaking about some crazy stunts and fun things he did that we all either got to watch or hear about. It was great that he came and all the more reason people who have never attended need to come. Some of us who were at the 40th class reunion may not be at the 50th. May Rick Rest In Peace. 

11/03/20 02:13 PM #814    


Mike Weesner

I'm with you Jim sorry I missed the reunion. I didn't hear about it or see your message until just the other day. I need to get on here more often. Yeah he was in good shape at the reunion but when I talked to his wife, she said that up until the end he didn't believe he was going to die. I didn't even know you could die of Crohn's disease so I better pay attention to my doctor more. Good to hear from you Jim. I hope to see you at the 50th. God willing I will.

11/04/20 12:47 PM #815    


Jimmy Record

Great Mike because you are missed and it has been mentioned several times. There are a good many people who live close by who have never bothered to come and a lot of us would like to see them. I won't name names. God Willing I will be there but I too have had a brush with death in the last couple years so I am hopefully as theey really are a ton of fun!

01/24/23 06:16 PM #816    


James Pointer

Hi gang. Just noticed the last classwide forum post seemed to be from Jim Record in November 2020. Can that be right? So I thought I would drop a line to say hello to everyone. I hope you all had a great holidays, Merry Christmas, and have a Happy 2023. My mother passed away last fall. All her children and grandchildren got to be with her in those final days and again at the end. Now she is in Heaven where she said she was ready and eager to be. If you have older loved ones, take the time now to gather their stories and identify those family photos. Heck, while you are at it, start writing or recording your own stories too for your children and grandchildren. You and they will be glad you did. God bless you. James

06/03/24 05:35 PM #817    

Gerry Slobe

Hey to everyone. I know this year is a big
year for everyone, 50 years. Years ago, I took
my mother to her 50 year reunion, it was great. Sorry I will not be attending. I would have liked to see everyone. I retired twice, and then last year, went back to work again. So at this point, work comes first. It's full time, and I need to use my time, from when I get off, and work again, to prepare for that. I do enjoy it, and the responsibilities, and the benefits. With no electronic devices allowed in the bldg, except for computers, scanners in the bldg, time passes by quickly. I waited till the very last moment to see if I could request time off, but we are under staffed, and extremely busy, and at this moment until we hire more, I can't miss any time, unless it was an emergency.
I will try to get on FB more, to see how everyone is doing, and see pictures from the reunion. Hopefully the 55th! Everyone take care, God bless and protect everyone traveling and in normal day living. Think about many of you all the time.

06/07/24 10:27 AM #818    

Marilyn King-Jordan

I am so excited about seeing my classmates for our 50th reunion!! πŸƒπŸ½‍β™€οΈπŸƒπŸ½‍β™€οΈπŸƒπŸ½‍β™€οΈπŸƒπŸ½‍β™€οΈπŸƒπŸ½‍♀️‍➑️🀸🏾‍β™‚οΈπŸ€ΈπŸΎ‍β™‚οΈπŸ€ΈπŸΎ‍β™‚οΈπŸ€ΈπŸΎ‍β™‚οΈπŸ€ΈπŸΎ‍♂️❀️❀️❀️

06/08/24 10:28 PM #819    


Steve Williams

Greetings to everyone from the bottom of the world! So sorry to miss our 50th Reunion. It was so wonderful to see many of you a few years back (pre-Covid) when I was in Huntsville. May you have a great time together "under the big rocket" and know my thoughts and prayers are with you! I trust that in the coming years our paths will cross again. Enjoy the warm summer months - yes, it is winter down under here in New Zealand! Cheers! Steve and Rita Williams

06/09/24 09:42 PM #820    


Jimmy Record

We too wish you were coming Steve but New Zealand is a long way and we understand. Glad I did get to see you last time you were here in the US and I trust all is well with you down under in Kiwi land. Me and the wife often think of when we got married in Lake Tekapo New Zealand as when she showed me a picture of the church and the setting I said "That's It" but she didn't know where it was! Having already been to New Zealand before that you can imagine my surprise when we discoverd in was a part that I had not been to as she had heard me rave about how beautiful New Zealand is.

God be with you my friend and know you will be missed. I hope they do a video link up but I don't know if there are plans to do that or not. Stay Well and stay in touch!

Jim Record

06/10/24 11:32 AM #821    


Donna B Bass (Scroggins)

Hey there Steve! We will miss you! Gods continued blessings on your ministry there!

06/17/24 11:41 AM #822    


Cari Young (Sauer)

Just want to thank everyone that made this 50th Reunion so much fun and put all of the past ones together over the years. Rick and Kay Shrout, JD Webster George and committees so the list goes on to so many which include all the classmates and families that show up to share a school we are proud of. Go Grissom High School with an outstanding education to excellence. Thanks again everyone!

06/18/24 12:46 AM #823    


James Pointer

I still can't believe I am over 50, let alone that we are old enough for our 50 year high school reunion! And now it is already come and gone? No way! But it was great, I loved seeing so many of you, and yes a big Thank You to everyone who made it happen and to everyone who came. Looking forward already to the 55.

06/18/24 11:21 PM #824    


Jimmy Record

I agree with James Pointer that it is hard to believe that our 50th reunion has come and gone. It was SO GOOD to see so many of you but the time was short and I didnt get to talk to everyone I wanted to talk to. I would love to know where everyone is so when traveling we can hopefully reconnect. I also second the idea of a 55th Reunion. While some us may not be here then, it still would allow us the chance to once again reconviene even it is not something as nice as what the committee put together for us at the Davidson Center at the Space & Rocket Center. 50 years just came by too fast and while I have been at every reunion except the 10 year one, some of you I hadn't seen in 50 years while others I had only seen once. Man was that fun and Thank you my fellow classmates are you are all a big part of my life. I hope to see you again either before or at a 55th Reunion.

06/19/24 04:37 PM #825    

Denise Capps (Corr)

It has been four days since the reunion and I am still on a natural high from all the dopamine released from seeing all of you!   Here is a picture called Earthrise, taken from the moon. Thank you Connie for making a wonderful display and sharing the pictures with us. This picture will go in my office at Belmont University.  Y

06/19/24 09:10 PM #826    


Jeana Sowell (Boggs)

Kudos and Thank you to the Grissom 50th Reunion Committee!  I can't believe that it has come and gone.  It was great seeing everyone, but we are still missing some people I would love to see.  Yes, I am all in for the 55th.  Bear in mind, Lane and I did go to his dad's 70th Franklin High School (Huntsville) Class Reunion!  Mr. Boggs did remember a few people and his brother came in from San Antonio, but I think just getting together was an encouragement to him.  He was 93.  So, if JD is still around, maybe we can keep this thing going!  LOL!

06/20/24 08:02 PM #827    

Judy Wolfsberger

Just finished emailing the committee that I did not know what to do with myself this evening! Our meetings were Thursday evenings! 

Thanks to everyone who posted their kind words and thoughts on FaceBook, I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Most of all I enjoyed the happy faces of my classmates, so many people picked up where they left off! Cannot recall how many times I heard "I have not seen you since graduation night", so I am very glad that I could be a part of your happiness last weekend.

Recalling the 40th reunion, I recall the joy that filled the room, and that is what I will remember from the 50th reunion - so much joy.

My only regret is that I missed talking with so many people, so you all have to make plans now to attend the 55th reunion. May God continue to bless all of you with good health, wonderful times with your family and friends, and continued spiritual growth.

Thank you for attending the Grissom High 50 Year Class made it a success!


06/21/24 09:01 AM #828    


Donna B Bass (Scroggins)

Hello GHS friends! Hope everyone is doing well after an incredible weekend in Huntsville, Alabama for the 50th GHS CLASS REUNION! Many have posted here and on Facebook, what an incredible job by the reunion committee. I am thinking they are still recovering, because many of us know planning BIG events can have glitches and cause headaches! It was just an amazing time of reconnections and getting more acquainted! So many I spoke with seemed just as delighted to be there just as I was! It's crazy how many who were at both venues and I did not get to chat to! Seeing pictures on FB, I realized I missed a lot of you! This was a time we will talk about a long time! We graduated in 1974 at 17 and 18 years of age and 50 years later seems just as amazing! Love to all, Donna B Bass Scroggins





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