Classmate Profiles (1976)

     Contains profile information: 22
     Profile contains photos: 4
     In Memory: 2
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 2
     Military Service: 3
   Restricted to Classmates only


Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 22    Newest Members: 22    Latest Comments: 5  

Linda Bailey (Wurgley)   
Darla Baird (Morriston)
Tim Baird     
Rodney Ballinger   
Barb Bernard (Derochie)
Carolyn Buller (Nyreen)   
Lezlie Choquette
Beth Crevier
Tim Dailey  
Tammy Estergaard (Christiansen)   
Cathy Faber (Dailey)   
Julie Foster
Dennis Gill
Steve Groth
Linda Harkness   
Mark Honomichl
Sheryl Honomichl (Hoffman)  
Ray Houfek
Daphne Howley  
Melvin Hughes
Mary Inlow (Smith)   
Carol Janssen
Chris Jorgensen   
Diana Kelley
Suzanne LaMaack (Allard)   
Steve Lewis
Cora Mackey (Mason)
Julie McGuire (Whitlock)  
Dianna McMILLAN (Green)
Jeff Meyer
Todd Nearman
Dan Newman
Ernie Porter    
Joe Rigg (Joseph Rigg)    
Bonnie Rusch (White)    
Diane Sands (Georg)
Tina Saunders (Brienzo)  
Julie Schneck (Schneck)   
Dave Smith
Kathy Aka Kate Stuart   
Darold VAN Petten     
Lisa Wachlarowicz (Wachlarowicz)   
Evie Watkins (McKAY)
Julie Watkins   
Theresa Zeman (Bertrand)   

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