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•   Robert Esti (Esti)  7/1
•   Donald Alecci  8/23
•   Thomas James Foley  9/25
•   Robert Sommerlad  8/29
•   Vernal Piantanida  1/6
•   John Caruccio  7/5
•   Nancy Comprelli  4/27
•   Ralph Ferraro  1/24
•   Harold Doherty  5/5
•   Robert Hunt  6/21
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•   Roger Breslin  9/23
•   Vince Caluori  10/11
•   Harold Doherty  10/17


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
3 live in Arizona
4 live in California
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in Delaware
1 lives in District Of Columbia
10 live in Florida
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
44 live in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
9 live in New York
2 live in Ohio
7 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
4 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
2 location unknown
108 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

What’s New?

Well it’s been a long time since our site has been updated.  In fact, I received an email last Sunday from Class Creator, our web site host informing me that it was over 6 months since the last update.  The last event covered was our luncheon in November 2018.  So let me try to make up for lost time.

The last update included an article about the Sea Girt Inn written by Ray Aumack.  Though it has been removed from the Home page, it is still available by clicking the Stories / Publications link at the left. 

I’ve also added a folder to theStories / Publications to hold some short stories Rayhas written that have been published on the IACI (Irish-American Cultural Institute) web site.  I've added the first two, let Ray have your opinion after reading.

So, moving on, in December Howard Clutterbuck was our host at the Essex County Country Club.  It was, as usual, most enjoyable, and as usual Bob Corke was stunning in his Holiday attire.  

There was no January luncheon, but in February some of us met at St. Peter’s University while others met in Florida, hosted by Bob Esti.  Unfortunately there are no pictures of either.

March found us at Baltusrol, our host was Bill Cozine.


In April, we met in the shadow of the Prep at the Light Horse Tavern.

In May we returned to the Glen Ridge Country Club

The annual mass for our deceased classmates was held in June at St. Anselm’s Church in Tinton Falls.  Twenty of us gathered to remember our deceased classmates.  Lou Parisi looked great and made some deft comments during the post Mass luncheon. He is spry and sharp at 94.  The Mass celebrated by Fr. Dominic Fuccile was beautiful and very touching. As each name of a deceased classmate was read, we all had the chance to remember something about the life of each guy.

For the second year in a row we met at the Deal Country Club in July.


In August, the luncheon was held at the Manasquan River Golf Club, hosted by Jack McIntyre.  All of the North Jersey residents were absent; either out of town, had other obligations, or in Ray Aumack’s case, were without transportation.

Well that’s it for now.  I’ll be back with more stories from Ray.  Hopefully in less than six months.




Upcoming Events has been updated

See the schedule of events for 2019.  Click on Upcoming Events.