Missing Classmates

The following KHS 1969 classmates are considered "missing" since we don't have an email address for them -or- they haven't yet signed in on our www.khs69.com website.

If you know the email address(es) of any of these "Missing Classmates," please click on their name and fill in their email address.  We'll send them an email inviting them to join our website. 

All students with current mailing addresses did receive the postcard announcing the upcoming reunion.

Thank you for your help!


Ruby Axtell (Kersting)
Ethel Babcock (Philby-Phillips)
Jim Bailey
Kathy Best (Gans)
Bill Botsford
Carol Brink
Karen Burglund (Smith)
Tom Carson
Carolyn Chamberlin
Mike Cleland
Pat Conway (Hunt)
Pat Crawford (Heaton)
Ron Eilers
Charlene Fleming (Bauer)
Sandy Frick (Irons)
Anne Garwood (Dye)
Merri George (Lange)
Tom Glazer
Barb Glover (Cummins)
Mary Grimes (Purdy)
Jeanette Griss (Evans)
Kathy Heaton (Wherrit)
Mary Jahn (Doughty)
Paul Jensen
Elaine Johnson (Fox)
Sandy Keller (Peterson)
Linda Luther (McVittie)
Mary Markus (Panowicz)
Paul Maruska
Clarence Mason
Dennis Mazankowski
Bobbi McGuigan (Samway)
Sue Merboth (Kuntz)
Dana Meredith (Lang)
Kathy Morrison (Walters)
Charles Nelson
Glenda Nickel (Harouff)
Dan Nye
Larry Nye
Al Paez
Mike Peterson
Louis Pratt
Lisa Reese Parish
Pat Reeves (Smith)
Alexandria Rivera (Van Winkle)
Dan Roeder
Colleen Sakurada (Brill)
Steve Sayles
Bob Scarborough
Janice Schultz
Mike Sikes
Steve Snodgrass
Tom Stephenson
Janel Stickney (Geiser)
Debbie Stoeber
Margaret Strazzere (Kelly)
Glenda Stroud
Judy Stutzman (Cuypers)
Ramona Styskal
Connie Swift (Hendrickson)
Dietrich Wagner
Suzy Walker (Smith)
Paul Walters
Rex Wamsley
Richard Weaver
Vicki Wells
Ken Whaley
Jerry Wiester
Julie Williamson (Butler)