Teachers & Staff

KPS Board of Education - 1969

  • Bob Bragg, President (Laurie Bragg Sorkin's father)
  • Leo Hendrickson, Vice President (Dana Hendrickson's father)
  • Joe Elliott, Secretary; deceased (Bob Elliott's father)
  • Dr. Royal Jester
  • Dr. Robert Nootz
  • Bill Richardson; deceased
  • John Johnston, Superintendent

KPS Administration - 1969

  • John Johnston, Superintendent
  • Harold McClure, Principal
  • John Richman, Assistant Principal

KHS Faculty - 1969

  • James Anderson, American Literature; retired and living in Kearney
  • Kari Anderson, Steno, Clerical Practice, Boosters Sponsor; retired and living in Kearney
  • Rebecca Ashby, Home Economics; deceased
  • Bevery Bartels, French, Spanish, French Club Sponsor, Boosters Sponsor; status unknown
  • Emily Beck, Art; deceased
  • John Bjorklun, Speech, Debate, National Forensic League Sponsor; retired and living in Shawnee, KS (Doug Bjorklun's father)
  • Earle Boardman, Orchestra, Junior Class sponsor; status unknown
  • Thelma Browers, English; deceased
  • George Brown, Bioloty, Zoology, Assistant Track Coach; deceased (Randy Brown's father)
  • Elsie Carlson, School Nurse; retired and living on a farm near Overton, NE
  • Phyllis Chamberlain, Shorthand, Typing; deceased
  • Rosalie Clement, Librarian, Library Club Sponsor, Y-Teens Sponsor; deceased
  • Ruby Duryea, English; deceased
  • Leslie Elmore, Reading; deceased
  • Gaylene Flood, English; status unknown
  • Connie Francis, English, Speech, Drama, Drama Club Sponsor; status unknown
  • Joe Greeno, Boys PE, Track, Cross Country Coach; deceased (Joe started Kearney's kid baseball and xxx boxing programs.  The Omaha World-Herald named him "Coach of he Year" in 1966.
  • Richard Hansen, Biology, Micro-Radiology, Intramural Sports Sponsor; deceased
  • Riley Harris, Geometry, Algebra, Assistant Football Coach, Junior Class Sponsor; retired but doing some substitute teaching in Kearney.  Riley was long-time KHS head football coach and winner of the Lifetime Coaching award.
  • Hazel Hayward, Latin; deceased
  • Marvin Heckman, Geometry; retired and living in Kearney
  • Linda Hood, Spanish, Spanish Club Sponsor, Drill Team Sponsor, Boosters Sponsor
  • Larry Houtz, Guidance Counselor; status unknown
  • Jack Hurt, Bookkeeping, Typing; retired and living in Kearney
  • Rita James, American History; retired and living in Minden
  • M.L. Jaixen, American History, World History; status unknown
  • Earl Jensen, Retailing, Business Law, Distributive Education, DECA Sponsor; deceased
  • Gerald Kroeger, World History, Basketball Coach, Assistant Football Coach, K-Club Sponsor; deceased
  • Dennis Long, Electricity, Industrial Occupations, Auto Mechanics, Assistant Football Coach; retired and living in Kearney
  • Darlene Lyons, American History, Contemporary Economics, Junior Class Sponsor; deceased
  • Kenneth Major, Modern Problems, Civics, Consumer Economics, Junior Varsity Basketball Coach, FCA Sponsor; status unknown
  • Chester Marshall, Director of Guidance; deceased
  • Sharon McCord, French, French Club Sponsor; status unknown
  • Roberta McKenzie, Journalism, Quill & Scroll Sponsor, Log and Echo Advisor, retired and living in Kearney
  • Gloria Mitchell, Girls PE, Drill Team Sponsor; retired and living in Kearney
  • Marion Morrow, Chemistry, Physics, Tennis Coach; deceased
  • Helen Ogle, Algebra, Advanced Math, Senior Class Sponsor; deceased
  • Sue Pocock, French, French Club Sponsor, Boosters Sponsor; retired and living in Lincoln
  • Ken Reiners, Drafting, Assistant Track Coach, K-Club Sponsor; retired and living in Kearney
  • Eldon Reiter, General Math; status unknown
  • Marvin Shafer, Geometry, Algebra, Golf Coach, Junior Class Sponsor; retired and living in Kearney
  • Iris Shofstall, Guidance Counselor, Y-Teens Sponsor; deceased (Sarah Shofstall's mother)
  • Jack Shofstall, Art; deceased (Sarah Shofstall's father)
  • James Smith, Industrial Occupations, Advanced Mechanics, Senior Class Sponsor, Stage Crew Sponsor; retired and living in Kearney
  • Ralph Spongberg, Band, Senior Class Sponsor; deceased
  • Gary Stickney, English, Sophomore Class Sponsor; retired and living in Kearney (Janell Stickney's brother)
  • Karen Strange, Home Economics; status unknown
  • Tom Tonack, Biology, Physical Science; retired and living in Lincoln
  • Ardella Webb, English; deceased
  • Don Whitacre, Driver's Education, Drafting, Safety Council Sponsor; deceased
  • Maynard Wichman, Special Education, Sophomore Class Sponsor; deceased
  • J.L. (Cap) Williams, Industrial Occupations, Vocational Wood; deceased
  • Francis Wilson, Chorus, Choir, Girls Glee; retired and living in Kearney
