Class Of 1958
Bradford High School
Kenosha Bradford Alumni Association
Join the Alumni:
Reunion Lisitings:
Upcoming Class Reunions (
Alumni T-shirts and membership form:
Please consider becoming a member of your Bradford Alumni Association. Currently, membership is approximately 2,500!
Benefits of joining:
- You'll are able to view the Spring & Fall newsletters online to keep you updated on happenings of other alumni and be able to establish contact with them. You will also be informed of current Bradford High School events.
- We will provide you assistance with your class reunion groups. (your dues also help pay for one half of the first mailling for all reunions or assist with defraying the cost of our class website in 5 year increments.)
- You may relocate. If you are on the Bradford Alumni mailing list, the post office will help inform us of your change of address for your next reunion committee.
- The Alumni Association annually awards several scholarships to Bradford seniors who are planning to pursue higher education. They also recognize Distinguished Alumni that have made contributions in the field of education, science, military and/or community.
- You are welcome to contribute to this fund by joining the KBHSAA. Contact us through the Alumni's website.