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11/22/09 01:41 PM #11    


Michael Anderson (Anderson)

Hi Debbie,

Great to hear from you! Glad your doing well!


11/23/09 06:35 PM #12    

Denise Henry (Maegaard)

Hi everyone!
I was hoping someone could help me...I accidently left my 1980 yearbook at our 10 year reunion. I have been trying to locate another far, I have hit dead ends, I guess when the school "moved" a lot of items prior to 1980 are never to be found again!?

12/07/09 09:30 PM #13    


Michael Anderson (Anderson)

Hi Denise,

I am waiting for a response from Lisa, class of 1982 to see if she has any year books let. As soon as she let's me know I will contact you. Thanks, Theresa

01/14/10 10:55 PM #14    

Kevin Larsen

I think it might be fun to invite the teachers from our days to the reunion. I know there's even a handful still teaching at Bradford.

02/16/10 10:14 AM #15    

Sandie Jung Hansen '78

I just wanted to chime in about obtaining yearbooks.... There is no stockpile on yearbooks going back to those years; however, you could try contacting the Kenosha Bradford Alumni Association. They may be able to help you out or check on e-Bay, which is an excellent source for yearbooks! :D

Also, my Class of '78 is now on Facebook! So, come check us out by searching Bradford High Class of '78 and become a fan. ;D

02/24/10 03:23 PM #16    

Kevin Larsen

Thanks for the update, Theresa. Now that we have our date, I'd like to follow up on my original suggestion of inviting teachers from our era. To put some money where my mouth is, I am willing to cover dinner for any teacher from 1977-80 (our years) who wants to attend the event. If others want to join in the sponsorship, they are more than welcome.

I've put an inquiry to a relative who is in the teacher's union leadership to see how we could contact them. I'd love to see how some of these teachers are doing. I might even be willing to erase the board, build a Variety Show set, or speak some German with them.

03/02/10 10:00 AM #17    


Michael Anderson (Anderson)

Hi All, Yes, the reunion is August 14th at the Fireside in Kenosha. August 13th we are touring the old Bradford High School. I already mentioned about inviting the teachers. If anyone has contact with the teachers from our class let me know. I will work on it. I do keep in touch with one teacher and talk to her a lot. Thanks! Also, found out there are no year books for Class of 80 left. Sorry guys. But there are some classmates that got married and may have to that would like to give one up. That is a thought. Feel free to e-mail me with anything else. Thanks guys!

03/27/10 11:27 AM #18    

Denise Henry (Maegaard)

Hi Theresa, I have been in contact with one of your "missing" classmates...Linda Jahnke. She has a senior daughter that goes to Bradford. I asked her if she was going to the reunion, but she says she has some plans on that date, but might stop by later.

06/11/10 05:41 PM #19    

Troy Woodrow

 Glad that tour of the old Bradford was able to work out. That will be fun.

As for a mixer on Friday night, I know Tremper always does this at SunnySide.

I think we should have it at the old "Pub and Grub" since most of us spent so much time there, if that is still open. Last time I heard it was a beer garden kind of place. 

I will pick up a few limos from the old Bradford to "Pub and Grub" for those interested in doing that.

Another option is either The Bartley House or one of the "new" bars downtown like Wine Knot.

Either that or a get together by the lake.


Any thoughts?


06/13/10 09:39 PM #20    

Denise Henry (Maegaard)

The Bartley House is always so crowded with its own regulars...I do like the idea of going to a place close to Bradford, where everyone used to "walk" down town during their lunch hours.  How about Brat Stop 2?  Remember the concerts at the Brat Stop?  Plus pretty close to Bradford and not too expensive like the Wine Knot,  more room than Cooler near the Lake...Also maybe  the Boat House, get some crazy people to do some kareoke!?  Just some thoughts 

06/14/10 07:12 PM #21    


Michael Anderson (Anderson)

Were still working on the place for the ice breaker.  Bartley House is too small and dark, no hip music.  Pub is closed!  Were thinking of some where down town so we don't have to drive far, so for sure will not be on the I, some where down town, will let you know when we do this.  Limo's if you want Troy that is fine so if people drink too much nothing will happen.  Were also thinking of getting the trolley to where were going down town.  Any more ideas are helpful.  Theresa 

06/15/10 10:39 PM #22    

Troy Woodrow

Brat Stop is a great idea. I am in for one limo minimum.  

We could finish up at The Boat House.

I do a mean Joe Cocker these days :) 



06/19/10 03:31 PM #23    

Marsha Allsopp (Ade)

There is also the old Casino Townhouse on north Sheridan Road.  It's now a Bindelli's place.  I think the name is Animal House.  Another one is Somer's House Inn on north sheridan road.  Has a nice patio and yard.  Don't know if they have anything else there that night tho.

06/21/10 10:46 PM #24    

Marsha Allsopp (Ade)

Okay.  So I don't want to make anyone jealous or anything, but don't be surprised when you see me.  I can still wear the same earrings I wore when I was in high school.   :)

06/23/10 03:05 PM #25    

Denise Henry (Maegaard)

Marsha, great ideas...let me guess, you still live on the N. side? LOL

I can't be jealous, I can still fit into the same earrings too!  too funny!!

06/28/10 01:31 AM #26    


Lori Firchow (Rhodig)

Hi Everyone!

Thanks Theresa, this is so great!  The web is awesome for people getting reconnected easily over miles and years.

I made my flight reservations last week so I will be there.  Can't get my husband here due to his business.  I will have my 6 yr old. Is it OK to bring her to the tour?  Of course, I won't bring her to the Ice Breaker -- although I think WI is one of the only states that allow minors in bars with parents.

It will be so fun to see all of you! I can't wait.


07/20/10 09:21 PM #27    

Marsha Allsopp (Ade)


 I may be able to find some earrings that fit me, but I can assure you, no clothes that fit and my classring has to be worn on a necklace.  Marsha

08/13/10 08:28 AM #28    


Steven Lehman

Hope you all have a great weekend. Wish I could be there.

Thanks to everyone who came out to True Freedom to hear me sing. I'm still working on getting the video to post with my profile. Thanks again Theresa, for helping me get the word out, and for all your hard work on the website. A job well done.

Again, have fun! Hopefully I'll see you all for the next one.


08/15/10 11:38 AM #29    

Marsha Allsopp (Ade)

Just wanted to say Thank you to all who made last night possible.  I had a blast and it was nice to see so many people attend and have a good time.   Thanks Again. Can't wait for the next one. Marsha

08/16/10 04:42 PM #30    

Laura Sytkowski (Donnell)

Thank you to the entire Reunion Committee for a wonderful weekend.  It was obvious everyone had an amazing time, myself included.  I know how much work you put into it and it's greatly appreciated.  You gave us all a chance to reconnect with old friends and to get to know new ones.  Thanks Again!!

08/17/10 09:48 PM #31    

Marsha Allsopp (Ade)

I was just looking at the Facebook page, Mary D. bradford  class of 80.  It would be nice for more people to use this page.  Would love to see more photos from the reunion weekend.  I didn't get nice pics because my camera is a POS.  I think it is another great way to keep in touch with everyone.  Marsha

08/18/10 04:47 PM #32    


Lori Firchow (Rhodig)

Yes, thank you Reunion Committee!  You pulled off a super party weekend!

I agree with Marsha on the photos.  Can anyone post them on "30th Reunion Photos"?  Or does the administrator (Theresa, +?) need to do it?  I couldn't tell for sure if Darlene, Tura, or Karen won the "most photographed" contest.  (No offense, you are all gorgeous in them!)


05/05/14 03:18 PM #33    

Todd Larsen

Happy Birthday Steve Lindstrom!

from Todd Larsen

09/24/16 09:30 PM #34    


Dulcie Dissmore (Schoff)


09/25/16 07:58 AM #35    


Michael Anderson (Anderson)

That was awesome Dulcie!!

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