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•   Matthew Thiel  10/15
•   David Perugini  8/27
•   Nancy Noel (Bleeke)  8/19
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•   Orine Funk  6/18
•   Stacey Ellis (Ellis)  6/18
•   Marni Sirks  3/14
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Welcome to 

Mary D. Bradford High School

Class Of 1981 !!

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Happy 60th Birthday, Classmates!

Come out and celebrate turning 60 on September 15, 2023, starting @ 6 pm. The celebration will be at Tavern on Sixth (5812 - 6th Avenue)

Hope to see you there!

We're turning 50 years old this year! Let's celebrate!
Feel free to invite other classmates!

September 6th at 7:00pm
Bindelli's City Zoo Tavern
4601 - 7th Avenue
Kenosha, WI

We had a nice turn out at our 35th Reunion which was held at Casa Capri (pictures have been posted, I am so sorry for taking so long). We thought it would be nice if our class purchased a bench to have placed at the new Bradford Stadium.

So at the reunion to raise money to purchase the bench we did a 50/50 raffle. What is a 50/50 raffle? Well, we sold raffle tickets to classmates in attendance. Towards the end of the night we drew a raffle ticket and announced the winner of half of the pot (the pot total was $400). Chris (Waldo) Oberst was the winner! Chris then donated her winnings ($200) back to Bradford Class of 1981. Thank you Chris! We’re still in need of about $300 so for anyone that was not able to attend and would like to donate (any amount), please let me know. The bench is black metal and will have BHS Class of 1981 on it.

Our 40th reunion is set for August 28th at the Anderson Art Center in Kenosha

For more details and to register, visit  '40th Reunion - 2021'


35 Year Reunion Information

From Lori Naumowicz- Hope everyone enjoys the pictures from the reunion. I apologize if I missed anyone.

From Today's Kenosha News August 11, 2011 - Liz Snyder Article

Reunion Survival Tip: 'You Look Great'

If I don’t lose my nerve at the last minute, I am doing something Friday that few people will attempt.

I am attending my 30th high school class reunion — without having lost “that last 20 (or 40) pounds.”

The truth is, however, that no one will be shocked to see me as a frumpy, middle-aged woman. I wasn’t exactly a “looker” in high school — Bradford, class of 1981, go Red Devils! — which, at the time, seemed like a horrible fate. In retrospect, being average-looking is a blessing; you have less to lose as the years take their toll.

My biggest fear is that no one will talk to me, and I can only hover over the buffet table and stuff my face with cheese for so long before people start to talk.

If by chance someone does wander over to say hello, there’s fear No. 2: Not remembering his or her name.

Name tags take care of that problem — provided you can read them without your glasses — but if all else fails, just laugh and say “Oh, hello you! So great to see you!” Then pray someone else comes by and blurts out a name.

Here are some more High School Reunion Survival Tips:

  • Repeat this phrase early and often: “You look great!” No matter how invisible you were back in the day, this will make you very popular
  • Use this comment carefully — “You haven’t changed at all” — in case the person in question is a late bloomer who would rather not be reminded that she spent all three years of high school with a retainer plastered across her face.
  • Go easy on an old nickname. If your buddy from chem lab introduces himself as Dennis, don’t call him “Stinky.” It’s likely a moniker he buried the day he left high school.
  • Unless you’re talking to your old offensive line, can it with the “glory days” talk of the “big game.” Go with the Packers chances of repeating as Super Bowl champs instead; it will make you sound less like a guy who peaked in high school.
  • Don’t wear incredibly high heels — this goes for men and women. Seeing people you haven’t come across in three decades is not the time to be tottering around on new shoes, risking injury — and embarrassment. Ditto for tight clothing and anything that risks a “wardrobe malfunction.”
  • Don’t lie about your job, your family or that backpacking trip around Europe you never got around to doing. Keeping a false story straight is too difficult, and this is Kenosha; someone there is bound to know you’re not a NASA research scientist.
  • But don’t be TOO honest, either. Just because you’re an overweight, borderline hoarder precariously clinging to middle-class status (totally hypothetical of course) doesn’t mean you should lead with that.
  • Go easy on the booze. As fun as it looks in “The Hangover” to wake up in a strange room minus your underwear, a 48-year-old doing so in Kenosha is just sad.
  • Resist the urge to finally tell off that jerk who was so mean to you 30 years ago. Your eloquent speech will never come out sounding like you rehearsed it in your head. And, chances are, he/she won’t remember it now anyway; bringing it up will just make you look petty.
  • Finally, try to relax and enjoy yourself. There are a lot worse things than showing up at a reunion looking somewhat worse for wear. I went to a memorial service last week for a 39-year-old man. He’ll never get to attend his 30th high school reunion, no matter how good he looked.

Well last time I posted, I was running for State Parliament in Australia; I'm happy and humbled to say the good people of QLD decided to give me a fair go. I've been on the job now for just on a year sand what an experience it has been. Who would of thought a poor kid from Kenosha,WI would end up a member of State Parliament in Australia. You can view my web site here:

9/14/12 - Stephanie Schroeder 

Great press about my memoir, Beautiful Wreck: Sex, Lies & Suicide, launched 9/10/12, from Publishers Weekly:; Advocate:; PrettyQueer: ; 14KaratLiving:; SheWired:; and GO!:

2/28/12 -From Michael Pucci:

Interesting times right now; I'm running for state parliament in Australia. You can check out my Party's website here: and my facebook page here: .