
An Overview of Extra Curricular Activities
             At Tarrant High School                       

The famous quote “A mind is a terrible thing to waste” used by the United Negro College Fund was used to drive home the point of the necessity of education.
        The teachers at Tarrant High School are very mindful of this fact. As guardian of the education process we seek to guide the students towards achieving a rounded education, not only through the academics but as well as positive engagement through the arts, culture and other extra curricular activities.
         Through the various activities, the students are able to learn valuable lessons such as team building, character building, co-operation, leadership qualities and how to overcome challenges.
          Various clubs and societies have evolved over the years. These includes Girl Guide, Scouts, Cadet,  4-H club, key club, Scrap Club, Red Cross, Science club, sign language, Dance club, Peer Counselling, Inter School Christian Fellowship, Environmental, Geography, Chess club, Scrabble club, Art, Choir, Netball, Football, Rugby, Cricket and most recent The Duke Of Edinburgh Award.
 The dedication shown by the students and teachers have manifested itself through various awards medals and trophies. There is the strong desire by the present day students to be involved. There is also the annual Heroes Day celebration where students are given a chance to explore their heritage through food, dance and enactment.
         Some students have excelled in the extra curricular activities beyond the school environment. They were asked to represent their country in the field of Netball, youth cricket, Dance and Rugby. Some students opted to use these extra- curricular activities as their career choices. Note worthy is our National Netballer who earned a Basketball Scholarship to the U.S.A. Dancers earned scholarships to the Edna Manley School of Dance as well as school of art in Canada. Others are employed in the hotel industry as entertainers.
      This noble institution has transmitted to students, quality learning both formal and informal. It is our vision to continue, and in doing so we hope to equip them to deal with life’s challenges. I wish that all will catch the vision and come along.

                                                  Submitted by
                                                  Primrose Williams (Girl Guide Leader)
                                                  Normadel Webley (Dance Leader) 

Our 50th Anniversary Highlights
