Missing Classmates

The following people are classmates for whom we have a name but no email address. If you have an email address please contact Garrett Hildebrand through the message center so he can send them an invitation to join the site. Also, if you don't find one of your classmates in the list let us know as well. Thanks!

Christine Armstrong
Connie Bogart (Stahl)
Beverly Bright
Larry Collins
Diane Curtis
Debby Davis
Michelle Dennis (Nickel?)
Michael Friedman
Govind Goel
Barbara Granier
Richard Guenther
Debbie Harold (Tennyson)
April (Melanie) Hayes
Pamela Higgins
Rita Laitinen
Mike Lalonde
Mary (Theresa/Terry) Maseda
Deena Morrison
Carolyn Jane Perez
Barry Webb
Mary (Carol) Wells
Eric Brandon Youngberg
Nancy Zoeller